Configuring ServiceNow - AWS Service Management Connector

Configuring ServiceNow

This section shows you how to integrate AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter in ServiceNow.

To configure the AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter integration system properties
  1. In the navigator, enter AWS Service Management.

  2. Choose System Properties, then AWS Systems Manager - OpsCenter.

  3. Review the available settings and recommendations in the table below.

    Available settings Description
    Synchronizing a new OpsItem with a severity 1

    Do Nothing. This action only imports selected OpsItems for the scoped app. Users with scoped app permissions can view and choose to create an Incident or Problem.

    Create Incident. This action automatically creates Incidents from OpsItems and syncs updates in ServiceNow to AWS Systems Manager - OpsCenter.

    Default value: Create Incident

    Synchronizing a new OpsItem with a severity 2

    Do Nothing. This action only imports selected OpsItems for the scoped app. Users with scoped app permissions can view and choose to create Incident or Problem.

    Create Incident. This action automatically creates Incidents from OpsItems and syncs updates in ServiceNow to AWS Systems Manager - OpsCenter.

    Default value: Create Incident

    Synchronizing a new OpsItem with a severity 3

    Do Nothing. This action only imports selected OpsItems for the scoped app. Users with scoped app permissions can view and choose to create Incident or Problem.

    Create Incident. This action automatically creates Incidents from OpsItems and syncs updates in ServiceNow to AWS Systems Manager - OpsCenter.

    Default value: Do Nothing

    Synchronizing a new OpsItem with a severity 4

    Do Nothing. This action only imports selected OpsItems for the scoped app. Users with scoped app permissions can view and choose to create Incident or Problem.

    Create Incident. This action automatically creates Incidents based on OpsItems and syncs updates in ServiceNow to AWS Systems Manager - OpsCenter.

    Default value: Do Nothing

    Assignment Group (SYS_ID) for created Incidents

    ServiceNow Incidents from AWS OpsItems need assignment group.

    To associate the assignment group for ServiceNow Incidents from AWS OpsItems

    1. Choose the section Set the assignment group sys_id or name that the Connector uses when creating Incidents.

    2. Enter the Assignment group sys_id.

    If you need to find the group sys_id, enter System Security in the left navigator.

    3. Choose the Groups module and search for the Group name.

    5. Choose the group to associate to ServiceNow Incidents generated from AWS OpsItems and choose Copy sys_id. You can now paste the copied sys_id into AWS Systems Manager – OpsCenter System Properties.