Edit a configuration set protect configuration association in AWS End User Messaging SMS
To change a configuration set's associated protect configuration, you can use the AWS End User Messaging SMS
console, the AssociaterotectConfiguration
action in the AWS End User Messaging SMS and voice v2 API,
or the aws sms-voice associate-protect-configuration
command in the AWS CLI. This
section shows how to change a configuration set's protect configuration using the AWS End User Messaging SMS
console and the AWS CLI.
To learn more about protect configurations see Using protect configurations in AWS End User Messaging SMS.
- Edit a configuration set's protect configuration association (Console)
Open the AWS End User Messaging SMS console at
In the navigation pane, under
Configurations, choose
Configuration sets.
On the Configuration sets page, choose a configuration set.
On the Configuration set details page
choose the Protect configuration tab and then Edit settings.
Under Protect configuration management for
Protect configuration, choose the protect
configuration to associate with the configuration set. This replaces the
current protect configuration association. Choose No
association to disassociate the configuration set from a
protect configuration.
Choose Save changes
- Edit a configuration set's protect configuration association (AWS CLI)
To change a configuration set's protect configuration association in the AWS CLI
follow the direction in Change a protection configuration
association in AWS End User Messaging SMS on the Edit a protect
configuration association (AWS CLI) tab.