Fanout Amazon SNS notifications to HTTP/S endpoints
You can use Amazon SNS
Server Name Indication (SNI)—This allows Amazon SNS to support HTTPS endpoints that require SNI, such as a server requiring multiple certificates for hosting multiple domains. For more information about SNI, see Server Name Indication
Basic and Digest Access Authentication—This allows you to specify a username and password in the HTTPS URL for the HTTP POST request, such as
The username and password are encrypted over the SSL connection established when using HTTPS. Only the domain name is sent in plaintext. For more information about Basic and Digest Access Authentication, see RFC-2617. Important
Amazon SNS does not currently support private HTTP(S) endpoints.
HTTPS URLs are only retrievable from the Amazon SNS
API action, for principals to which you have granted API access.Note
The client service must be able to support the
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
header response
The request contains the subject and message that were published to the topic along with metadata about the notification in a JSON document. The request will look similar to the following HTTP POST request. For details about the HTTP header and the JSON format of the request body, see HTTP/HTTPS headers and HTTP/HTTPS notification JSON format.
POST / HTTP/1.1 x-amz-sns-message-type: Notification x-amz-sns-message-id: da41e39f-ea4d-435a-b922-c6aae3915ebe x-amz-sns-topic-arn: arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:MyTopic x-amz-sns-subscription-arn: arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:MyTopic:2bcfbf39-05c3-41de-beaa-fcfcc21c8f55 Content-Length: 761 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Host: Connection: Keep-Alive User-Agent: Amazon Simple Notification Service Agent { "Type" : "Notification", "MessageId" : "da41e39f-ea4d-435a-b922-c6aae3915ebe", "TopicArn" : "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:MyTopic", "Subject" : "test", "Message" : "test message", "Timestamp" : "2012-04-25T21:49:25.719Z", "SignatureVersion" : "1", "Signature" : "EXAMPLElDMXvB8r9R83tGoNn0ecwd5UjllzsvSvbItzfaMpN2nk5HVSw7XnOn/49IkxDKz8YrlH2qJXj2iZB0Zo2O71c4qQk1fMUDi3LGpij7RCW7AW9vYYsSqIKRnFS94ilu7NFhUzLiieYr4BKHpdTmdD6c0esKEYBpabxDSc=", "SigningCertURL" : "", "UnsubscribeURL" : "" }