Using managed data identifiers in Amazon SNS
What are managed data identifiers?
Amazon SNS managed data identifiers are designed to detect a specific type of sensitive data, such as credit card numbers, AWS secret access keys, or passport numbers for a particular country or region. When you create a data protection policy, you can configure Amazon SNS to use these identifiers to analyze messages going through the topic, and take actions when they are detected.
Amazon SNS can detect the following categories of sensitive data by using managed data identifiers:
Credentials, such as private keys or AWS secret access keys
Device identifiers, such as IP address or MAC address
Financial information, such as credit card numbers
Health information, for PHI such as health insurance or medical identification numbers
Personal information, for PII such as driver’s licenses or social security numbers
Within each category, Amazon SNS can detect multiple types of sensitive data. The topics in this section list and describe each type and any relevant requirements for detecting it. For each type, they also indicate the unique identifier (ID) for the managed data identifier that's designed to detect the data. When you create a data protection policy, you can use this ID to include the managed data identifier for message data protection to detect.
Keyword requirements
To detect certain types of sensitive data, Amazon SNS scans for keywords in proximity of the data. If this is the case for a particular type of data, a subsequent topic in this section indicates specific keyword requirements for that data.
Keywords aren’t case sensitive. In addition, if a keyword contains a space, Amazon SNS automatically matches keyword variations that don’t contain the space, or contain an underscore (_) or a hyphen (-) instead of the space. In certain cases, Amazon SNS also expands or abbreviates a keyword to address common variations of the keyword.
Amazon SNS managed data identifiers for sensitive data types
The following table lists and describes the types of credential, device, financial, medical, and personal health information (PHI) that Amazon SNS can detect using managed data identifiers. These are in addition to certain types of data that might also qualify as personally identifiable information (PII).
Region-dependent data identifiers require the identifier name with a dash, and the two letter (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) codes. For example, DriversLicense-US.
Identifier | Category | Countries/Languages |
BankAccountNumber | Financial |
DE, ES, FR, GB, IT |
CepCode |
Personal |
BR |
Cnpj |
Personal |
BR |
CpfCode |
Personal |
BR |
DriversLicense |
Personal |
AT, AU, BE, BG, CA, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IT, LT, LU, LV, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, US |
DrugEnforcementAgencyNumber |
Health |
US |
ElectoralRollNumber |
Personal |
GB |
HealthInsuranceCardNumber |
Health |
EU |
HealthInsuranceClaimNumber |
Health |
US |
HealthInsuranceNumber |
Health |
FR |
HealthcareProcedureCode |
Health |
US |
IndividualTaxIdentificationNumber |
Personal |
US |
InseeCode |
Personal |
FR |
MedicareBeneficiaryNumber |
Health |
US |
NationalDrugCode |
Health |
US |
NationalIdentificationNumber |
Personal |
DE, ES, IT |
NationalInsuranceNumber |
Personal |
GB |
NationalProviderId |
Health |
US |
NhsNumber |
Health |
GB |
NieNumber |
Personal |
ES |
NifNumber |
Personal |
ES |
PassportNumber |
Personal |
CA, DE, ES, FR, GB, IT, US |
PermanentResidenceNumber |
Personal |
CA |
PersonalHealthNumber |
Health |
CA |
PhoneNumber |
Personal |
BR, DE, ES, FR, GB, IT, US |
PostalCode |
Personal |
CA |
RgNumber |
Personal |
BR |
SocialInsuranceNumber |
Personal |
CA |
Ssn |
Personal |
ES, US |
TaxId |
Personal |
DE, ES, FR, GB |
ZipCode |
Personal |
US |
Supported Identifiers that are language/region independent
Identifier | Category |
Address |
Personal |
AwsSecretKey |
Credentials |
CreditCardExpiration |
Financial |
CreditCardNumber |
Financial |
CreditCardSecurityCode |
Financial |
EmailAddress |
Personal |
IpAddress |
Personal |
LatLong |
Personal |
Name |
Personal |
OpenSshPrivateKey |
Credentials |
PgpPrivateKey |
Credentials |
PkcsPrivateKey |
Credentials |
PuttyPrivateKey |
Credentials |
VehicleIdentificationNumber |
Personal |