Create a new registration using the AWS End User Messaging SMS console - AWS End User Messaging SMS

Create a new registration using the AWS End User Messaging SMS console

You can use the AWS End User Messaging SMS console to manage registrations for your AWS End User Messaging SMS account. If your registration was already created as part of requesting a phone number or sender ID then you do not need to create a new registration. You can view the resources associated with a registration in the Associated resources tab, for more information see View a registration associated resources in AWS End User Messaging SMS.


Some registrations have multiple steps that need to be completed in exact order.

  • To register a US 10DLC number, you must first register and complete a US 10DLC Brand registration, then apply for optional US 10DLC Brand vetting to increase your Messages per second (MPS), and then register a US 10DLC Campaign registration. If you require sending 10DLC SMS messages from more than one AWS Region and from a single account, you must re-registering all 10DLC resources for each AWS Region required. For more information about the process, see United States 10DLC registration.

  • To register a Singapore sender ID registration you must first obtain a Singapore Unique Entity Number (UEN), create and submit a Singapore sender ID registration, once the registration is approved then register the sender ID with Singapore Network Information Centre (SGNIC). For more information about the process, see Singapore sender ID registration process.

  • To register a India sender ID registration you must first register your company and use case with TRAI, create and submit a case with Support and then to send messages you must specify Entity ID and Template ID values that you received. For more information about the process, see India sender ID registration process in AWS End User Messaging SMS.

Create a new registration
  1. Open the AWS End User Messaging SMS console at

  2. In the navigation pane, under Registrations, choose Create registration.


    If you already created a registration when requesting the origination identity then you should use that registration form.

  3. For Registration form name enter a friendly name.

  4. For Registration type, choose the registration form from the dropdown list. Each Registration type has different forms depending on the regulatory body the registration form is sent to.

  5. (optional) Expand Tags to:

    • Add a tag – In Manage tags choose Add new tag to create a new blank key/value pair.

    • Delete a tag – In Manage tags, choose Remove next to the key/value pair.

    • Edit a tag – In Manage tags choose the Key or Value and edit the text.

  6. Choose Create.

  7. Your registration has now been created and you need to enter in all required information then submit.