Architecture overview - Cloud Migration Factory on AWS

Architecture overview

This section provides a reference implementation architecture diagram for the components deployed with this solution.

Architecture diagram

Deploying the default solution builds the following serverless environment in the AWS Cloud.

Cloud Migration Factory on AWS architecture diagram

Cloud Migration Factory on AWS architecture diagram

The solution’s AWS CloudFormation template launches the AWS services necessary to help enterprises migrate their servers.


The Cloud Migration Factory on AWS solution uses a migration automation server which is not a part of the AWS CloudFormation deployment. For more details on manually building the server, refer to Build a migration automation server.

  1. Amazon API Gateway receives migration requests from the migration automation server via RestAPIs.

  2. AWS Lambda functions provide the necessary services for you to log in to the web interface, perform the necessary administrative functions to manage the migration, and connect to third-party APIs to automate the migration process.

    • The user Lambda function ingests the migration metadata into an Amazon DynamoDB table. Standard HTTP status codes are returned to you via the RestAPI from the API Gateway. An Amazon Cognito user pool is used for user authentication to the web interface and Rest APIs, and you can optionally configure it to authenticate against external Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) identity providers.

    • The tools Lambda functions processes external Rest APIs and calls the CloudEndure Migration and AWS Application Migration Service (AWS MGN) for AWS migration. The tools Lambda function also calls the Amazon EC2 for launching EC2 instances, and calls AWS Systems Manager to run automation scripts on the Migration Automation Server.

  3. The migration metadata stored in Amazon DynamoDB is routed to the AWS MGN API to initiate a Rehost migration jobs and launch servers. If your migration pattern is Replatform to EC2, the tools Lambda function launches launch CloudFormation templates in the target AWS account to launch Amazon EC2 instances.

Optional migration tracker

This solution also deploys an optional migration tracker component that tracks the progress of your migration.

Optional migration tracker component

Optional migration tracker component

The CloudFormation template deploys AWS Glue to get the migration metadata from the Cloud Migration Factory DynamoDB table and exports the metadata to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) twice a day (at 5:00 AM and 1:00 PM UTC). After the AWS Glue job completes, an Amazon Athena save query is initiated, and you can set up Amazon QuickSight to pull the data from the Athena query results. You can then create the visualizations and build a dashboard that meets your business needs. For guidance on creating visuals and building a dashboard, refer to Build a migration tracker dashboard.

This optional component is managed by the Tracker parameter in the CloudFormation template. By default, this option is activated, but you can deactivate this option by changing the Tracker parameter to false.