aws-lambda-kinesisfirehose - AWS Solutions Constructs


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Python Logo Python aws_solutions_constructs.aws_lambda_kinesisfirehose
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This AWS Solutions Construct implements an AWS Lambda function connected to an existing Amazon Kinesis Firehose Delivery Stream.

Here is a minimal deployable pattern definition :

import { Construct } from 'constructs'; import { Stack, StackProps } from 'aws-cdk-lib'; import { LambdaToS3 } from '@aws-solutions-constructs/aws-lambda-kinesisfirehose'; import * as lambda from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda'; // The construct requires an existing Firehose Delivery Stream, this can be created in raw CDK or extracted // from a previously instantiated construct that created an Firehose Delivery Stream const existingFirehoseDeliveryStream = previouslyCreatedKinesisFirehoseToS3Construct.kinesisFirehose; new LambdaToKinesisFirehose(this, 'LambdaToFirehosePattern', { lambdaFunctionProps: { runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_20_X, handler: 'index.handler', code: lambda.Code.fromAsset(`lambda`) }, existingKinesisFirehose: existingFirehoseDeliveryStream });
from aws_solutions_constructs.aws_lambda_kinesisfirehose import LambdaToKinesisFirehose from aws_cdk import ( aws_lambda as _lambda, Stack ) from constructs import Construct # The construct requires an existing Firehose Delivery Stream, this can be created in raw CDK or extracted # from a previously instantiated construct that created an Firehose Delivery Stream existingFirehoseDeliveryStream = previouslyCreatedKinesisFirehoseToS3Construct.kinesisFirehose; LambdaToKinesisFirehose(self, 'LambdaToFirehosePattern', existingKinesisFirehose=existingFirehoseDeliveryStream, lambda_function_props=_lambda.FunctionProps( code=_lambda.Code.from_asset('lambda'), runtime=_lambda.Runtime.Python_3_11, handler='index.handler' ) )
import software.constructs.Construct; import; import; import*; import; import*; // The construct requires an existing Firehose Delivery Stream, this can be created in raw CDK or extracted // from a previously instantiated construct that created an Firehose Delivery Stream existingFirehoseDeliveryStream = previouslyCreatedKinesisFirehoseToS3Construct.kinesisFirehose; new LambdaToKinesisFirehose(this, "LambdaToFirehosePattern", new LambdaToKinesisFirehoseProps.Builder() .existingKinesisFirehose(existingFirehoseDeliveryStream) .lambdaFunctionProps(new FunctionProps.Builder() .runtime(Runtime.NODEJS_20_X) .code(Code.fromAsset("lambda")) .handler("index.handler") .build()) .build());

Pattern Construct Props

Name Type Description
existingLambdaObj? lambda.Function Existing instance of Lambda Function object, providing both this and lambdaFunctionProps will cause an error.
lambdaFunctionProps? lambda.FunctionProps Optional user provided props to override the default props for the Lambda function.
existingKinesisFirehose kinesisfirehose.CfnDeliveryStream An existing Kinesis Firehose Delivery Stream to which the Lambda function can put data. Note - the delivery stream construct must have already been created and have the deliveryStreamName set. This construct will not create a new Delivery Stream.
existingVpc? ec2.IVpc An optional, existing VPC into which this pattern should be deployed. When deployed in a VPC, the Lambda function will use ENIs in the VPC to access network resources and an Interface Endpoint will be created in the VPC for Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose. If an existing VPC is provided, the deployVpc property cannot be true. This uses ec2.IVpc to allow clients to supply VPCs that exist outside the stack using the ec2.Vpc.fromLookup() method.
vpcProps? ec2.VpcProps Optional user provided properties to override the default properties for the new VPC. enableDnsHostnames, enableDnsSupport, natGateways and subnetConfiguration are set by the pattern, so any values for those properties supplied here will be overridden. If deployVpc is not true then this property will be ignored.
deployVpc? boolean Whether to create a new VPC based on vpcProps into which to deploy this pattern. Setting this to true will deploy the minimal, most private VPC to run the pattern:
firehoseEnvironmentVariableName? string Optional Name for the Lambda function environment variable set to the name of the delivery stream. Default: FIREHOSE_DELIVERYSTREAM_NAME

Pattern Properties

Name Type Description
lambdaFunction lambda.Function Returns an instance of the Lambda function created by the pattern.
kinesisFirehose kinesisfirehose.CfnDeliveryStream The Kinesis Firehose Delivery Stream used by the construct.
vpc? ec2.IVpc Returns an interface on the VPC used by the pattern (if any). This may be a VPC created by the pattern or the VPC supplied to the pattern constructor.

Default settings

Out of the box implementation of the Construct without any override will set the following defaults:

AWS Lambda Function

  • Configure limited privilege access IAM role for Lambda function

  • Enable reusing connections with Keep-Alive for NodeJs Lambda function

  • Enable X-Ray Tracing

  • Set Environment Variables



Amazon Kinesis Firehose Delivery Stream

  • This construct must be provided a configured Stream construct, it does not change this Stream.


AWS Lambda Function sending data to Amazon KinesisFirehose Delivery Stream, with Role icon below.


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