Step 1: Retrieve the Amazon QuickSight Principal ARN
If you want to deploy Amazon QuickSight resources, you must retrieve the Amazon QuickSight
Principal ARN before deploying this solution. To retrieve the Amazon QuickSight User Principal
ARN, you must have access to a shell or terminal with the AWS CLI installed. For installation
instructions, refer to What Is the AWS
Command Line Interface in the AWS CLI User Guide.
Optionally, you can use the AWS
Running the following list-users
command returns the list of users with their
corresponding QuickSight User ARNs.
aws quicksight list-users --region <aws-region> --aws-account-id <account-id> --namespace <namespace-name>
The following example shows a valid ARN:
The default namespace-name is default
. For example, arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1111111111111:user/default/myquicksightuser
Choose a user who has permissions to create Amazon QuickSight resources in that account and AWS Region, such as a QuickSight admin user.
If you do not have an Amazon QuickSight Enterprise account, refer to Signing up for an Amazon QuickSight subscription to set up your account and then retrieve the Principal account ARN.