Troubleshooting - Discovering Hot Topics Using Machine Learning


Amazon QuickSight nested stack failures

This solution requires that the aws-quicksight-service-role IAM Role exists in your account. This role has IAM policies associated with it that allow it write to RDS and Redshift Spectrum. Absence of this IAM Role or its associated policies causes failure to create Amazon QuickSight resources, and cascades as CloudFormation template failures.

To mitigate this error, refer to How do I troubleshoot AWS resource permission errors in Amazon QuickSight? After following that procedure, use the following script to test data source creation using the AWS CLI.

cat tmp/datasource.json { "AwsAccountId": "<account-id>", "DataSourceId": "my_test_data_source_id", "Name": "my_test_data_source_name", "Type": "ATHENA", "DataSourceParameters": { "AthenaParameters": { "WorkGroup": "primary" } }, "SslProperties": { "DisableSsl": false } } aws quicksight create-data-source –-region <aws-region> \ --cli-input-json file://./tmp/datasource.json

The <account-id> should be replaced by the AWS Account ID where you want to deploy the solution, and <aws-region> should be replaced with an AWS Region name (example: us-east-1).

Dead-letter-queue for failed ingestion events

The solution deploys a dead-letter-queue (DLQ) for failed ingestion events. You can use the DLQ to troubleshoot any records that failed ingestion in the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams.