Cost - MLOps Workload Orchestrator


You are responsible for the cost of the AWS services used while running this solution. As of this revision, the cost for running this solution with the default settings in the US East (N. Virginia) is approximately $374.57 per month. These costs are for the resources shown in the Sample cost table.

We recommend creating a budget through AWS Cost Explorer to help manage costs. Prices are subject to change. For full details, see the pricing webpage for each AWS service used in this solution.

Sample cost table

The following table provides a sample cost breakdown for deploying this solution with the default parameters in the US East (N. Virginia) Region for one month.

The majority of the monthly cost is dependent on AWS Lambda and real-time inferences in Amazon SageMaker. This estimate uses an ml.m5.large instance. However, instance type and actual performance is highly dependent on factors like model complexity, algorithm, input size, concurrency, and various other factors.

For cost-efficient performance, you must load test for proper instance size selection and use batch transform instead of real-time inference when possible.

AWS service Dimensions Cost [USD]
Amazon API Gateway 333 million requests (pipelines provisioning and real-time inference requests) $ 3.50
AWS Lambda

Requests cost: 333 million requests x $0.20 (per one million requests)

Compute cost: 333,000,000 (runs) x 128/1024 (GB) x 0.1 seconds (run duration) x $0.00001667 (per GB-s)



Amazon SageMaker (training job) One instance (ml.m5.large) x $0.115/hour x 1 (hours, job duration) x 20 (jobs per month) $2.30
Amazon SageMaker (hyperparameter tuning job) One instance (ml.m5.large) x $0.115/hour x 1 (hours, job duration) x 10 (number of candidates) x 20 (jobs per month) $23.00
Amazon SageMaker (autopilot job) One instance (ml.m5.4xlarge) x $0.922/hour x 1 (hours, job duration) x 10 (number of candidates) x 10 (jobs per month) $92.20
Amazon SageMaker (hosting: real-time inference) One instance (ml.m5.large) x $0.115/hour x 24 (hours) x 31 (days) $85.56
Amazon SageMaker (baseline jobs) One instance (ml.m5.large) x $0.115/hour x 10/60 (hours, job duration) x 2 (jobs per month) $0.04
Amazon SageMaker (model monitor) One instance (ml.m5.large) x $0.115/hour x 2 (jobs per day) x 10/60 (hours, job duration) x 31 (days) $1.19
Amazon SageMaker (batch transform) One instance (ml.m5.large) x $0.115 (per hour) x 2 (hours, job duration) x 30 (days) $6.90
Amazon S3

S3 Standard storage: 100GB x $0.023 (per GB)

PUT requests: 10,000 requests x $0.000005 (per request)

GET requests: 10,000 requests x $0.0000004 (per request)




AWS CodePipeline 20 active pipelines x $1.00 (per month) $20.00
Amazon ECR

Storage: 10 GB x $0.10 (per GB)

Data transfer: 10 GB x $0.02 (per GB)



AWS CodeBuild 10 builds per month x 10 minutes (build duration) x $0.0034 (per minute) $0.34
Total: $374.57/month