AWS CloudFormation templates - Network Orchestration for AWS Transit Gateway

AWS CloudFormation templates

This solution uses CloudFormation to automate its deployment in the AWS Cloud. It includes the following AWS CloudFormation templates, which you can download before deployment.


AWS CloudFormation resources are created from AWS CDK constructs.

network orchestration hub view template button network-orchestration-hub.template – Use this template to launch the solution and all associated components in your AWS network hub account. The default configuration deploys the following:

  • One transit gateway

  • Four transit gateway route tables

  • One global network in Transit Gateway network manager

  • Step Functions (to orchestrate VPC and transit gateway attachments)

  • One AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM) resource share

  • One optional web UI with the following resources:

    • One DynamoDB table

    • EventBridge event bus and rules

    • IAM roles

  • One optional web UI for network management with the following resources:

    • One Amazon SNS topic

    • AWS AppSync API with WAF

    • One Amazon Cognito user pool

    • One CloudFront distribution with a CloudFront function

    • Amazon S3 buckets

network orchestration hub service-linked roles view template button network-orchestration-hub-service-linked-roles.template – Optionally use this template to launch the service-linked role for AWS RAM in your hub account. This stack is optional because it fails if the AWSServiceRoleForResourceAccessManager role already exists in the hub account.

network orchestration hub view template button network-orchestration-spoke.template – Use this template to launch the solution and all associated components in your spoke account(s). The default configuration deploys EventBridge rules and IAM roles.

network orchestration spoke service-linked roles view template button network-orchestration-spoke-service-linked-roles.template – Optionally use this template to launch the service-linked role for Transit Gateway in your spoke account(s). This stack is optional because it fails if the AWSServiceRoleForVPCTransitGateway role already exists in the spoke account(s).

network orchestration hub view template button network-orchestration-organization-role.template – Use this template to create an IAM role in the Organizations management account. The hub account requires this role to create easily-identifiable names for the transit gateway attachments, using a combination of OU path and VPC name.