Prerequisites - Scalable Analytics Using Apache Druid on AWS


Build environment specifications

To build and deploy this solution:

  • We recommend using Ubuntu with minimum 4 cores CPU and16GB RAM. MacOS (Intel) or other Linux distributions are also supported.

  • The computer used to build the solution must be able to access the internet.

AWS account

A CDK bootstrapped AWS account: You must Bootstrap your AWS CDK environment in the target Region you want to deploy, using the AWS CDK toolkit's cdk bootstrap command. From the command line, authenticate into your AWS account, and run cdk bootstrap aws://<YOUR ACCOUNT NUMBER>/<REGION>. For more information, refer to the AWS CDK's Bootstrapping page.


  • The latest version of the AWS CLI, installed and configured.

  • The latest version of the AWS CDK.

  • Nodejs version 20 or newer.

  • Git command line.

  • Java Runtime

  • Maven (>=3.5.2)