Problem: Deployment fails due to CloudFormation FAILURE signals - Scalable Analytics Using Apache Druid on AWS

Problem: Deployment fails due to CloudFormation FAILURE signals

When deploying the solution, the deployment may fail due to CloudFormation FAILURE signals.

Screshot of solution deployment error message.

Solution deployment - error message


The issue arises from the fact that the corresponding Druid process is unable to transition into service.

To identify the underlying cause:

  1. In the primary account, navigate to the CloudWatch console.

  2. Choose the log group named /aws/solutions/druid/<cluster name>. The provided screenshot displays the log group for the example cluster dev298.

    Screenshot of CloudWatch Log groups.

    CloudWatch - Log groups

  3. Select the log stream by searching for the instance ID found in the CloudFormation console.

    Screenshot of CloudWatch Log streams.

    CloudWatch - Log streams

  4. Inspect the relevant logs to determine the reason the instance does not start correctly.