Metadata file - Video on Demand on AWS

Metadata file

When you set the solution to ingest source videos and metadata files, the source Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket is configured with an event notification that invokes the workflow when you upload a JSON file.


The JSON file does not need a specific name, but it must have the JSON file extension. We recommend naming the JSON file the same name as the video file for consistency and ease of reference.

To invoke the workflow, you must upload a JSON metadata file. If you only upload a source video file, the workflow will not start.


You must upload the source video file to the Amazon S3 bucket before you upload the metadata file. Note that the upload must complete before you upload the metadata file.

The definitions in the metadata file overwrite the default settings you specified when you deployed the solution. This allows you to define different workflow configurations for each source video. If you do not specify a definition in the metadata file, the solution will use the default value you set during deployment. Note that the metadata file must include a definition for srcVideo.

The following example metadata files shows all available variable definitions.

{ "srcVideo": "string", "archiveSource": "DISABLED|GLACIER|DEEP_ARCHIVE", "frameCapture": boolean, "srcBucket":"string", "destBucket":"string", "cloudFront":"string", "jobTemplate_2160p":"string", "jobTemplate_1080p":"string", "jobTemplate_720p":"string", "acceleratedTranscoding":"DISABLED|PREFERRED|ENABLED", "enableSqs": boolean , "enableSns": boolean , "jobTemplate":"custom-job-template", "InputRotate":"DEGREE_0|DEGREES_90|DEGREES_180|DEGREES_270|AUTO" }

The following sample JSON metadata file will overwrite the default settings for the Archive Source Content and Enable Frame Capture AWS CloudFormation template parameters for the example.mpg file. The file will also set the job template for AWS Elemental MediaConvert to custom-job-template.

{ "srcVideo": "example.mpg", "archiveSource": "GLACIER", "frameCapture":false, "jobTemplate":"custom-job-template" }

The Video on Demand on AWS solution also supports adding additional metadata, such as title, genre, or any other information, you want to store in Amazon DynamoDB.