Accessing the Gateway Local Console - AWS Storage Gateway

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Accessing the Gateway Local Console

How you access your VM's local console depends on the type of the Hypervisor you deployed your gateway VM on. In this section, you can find information on how to access the VM local console using Linux Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM), VMware ESXi, and Microsoft Hyper-V Manager.

Accessing the Gateway Local Console with Linux KVM

There are different ways to configure virtual machines running on KVM, depending on the Linux distribution being used. Instructions for accessing KVM configuration options from the command line follow. Instructions might differ depending on your KVM implementation.

To access your gateway's local console with KVM
  1. Use the following command to list the VMs that are currently available in KVM.

    # virsh list

    You can choose available VMs by Id.

    Linux terminal showing virsh list results with VM ID, name, and state info.
  2. Use the following command to access the local console.

    # virsh console VM_Id
    Linux terminal showing virsh console command and AWS appliance login prompt.
  3. To get default credentials to log in to the local console, see Logging in to the Local Console Using Default Credentials.

  4. After you have logged in, you can activate and configure your gateway.

    gateway local console main menu displayed in a Linux terminal.

Accessing the Gateway Local Console with VMware ESXi

To access your gateway's local console with VMware ESXi
  1. In the VMware vSphere client, select your gateway VM.

  2. Make sure that the gateway is turned on.


    If your gateway VM is turned on, a green arrow icon appears with the VM icon, as shown in the following screenshot. If your gateway VM is not turned on, you can turn it on by choosing the green Power On icon on the Toolbar menu.

    VMware vSphere Inventory screen showing Storage Gateway VM with green power on icon.
  3. Choose the Console tab.

    VMware vSphere Inventory screen showing Storage Gateway VM selected and console tab highlighted.

    After a few moments, the VM is ready for you to log in.


    To release the cursor from the console window, press Ctrl+Alt.

    Storage Gateway local console login prompt displayed in a terminal screen.
  4. To log in using the default credentials, continue to the procedure Logging in to the Local Console Using Default Credentials.

Access the Gateway Local Console with Microsoft Hyper-V

To access your gateway's local console (Microsoft Hyper-V)
  1. In the Virtual Machines list of the Microsoft Hyper-V Manager, select your gateway VM.

  2. Make sure that the gateway is turned on.


    If your gateway VM is turned on, Running is displayed as the State of the VM, as shown in the following screenshot. If your gateway VM is not turned on, you can turn it on by choosing Start in the Actions pane.

    Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines screen showing Storage Gateway VM in running state.
  3. In the Actions pane, choose Connect.

    The Virtual Machine Connection window appears. If an authentication window appears, type the sign-in credentials provided to you by the hypervisor administrator.

    Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machine connection screen connecting to Storage Gateway VM.

    After a few moments, the VM is ready for you to log in.

    Storage Gateway local console login prompt displayed in a terminal screen.
  4. To log in using the default credentials, continue to the procedure Logging in to the Local Console Using Default Credentials.