Performing Tasks on the VM Local Console
For a Volume Gateway that you deploy on-premises, you can perform the following maintenance tasks using the gateway local console that you access from your virtual machine host platform. These tasks are common to VMware, Microsoft Hyper-V, and Linux Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) hypervisors.
Logging in to the Volume Gateway local console - Learn about how to log in to the gateway local console where you can configure gateway network settings and change the default password.
Configuring a SOCKS5 proxy for your on-premises gateway - Learn about how you can configure Storage Gateway to route all AWS endpoint traffic through a Socket Secure version 5 (SOCKS5) proxy server.
Configuring Your Gateway Network - Learn about how you can configure your gateway to use DHCP or assign a static IP address.
Testing your gateway connection to the internet - Learn about how you can use the gateway local console to test the connection between the gateway and the internet.
Running storage gateway commands in the local console for an on-premises gateway - Learn about how to run local console commands that allow you to perform additional tasks such as saving routing tables, connecting to Support, and more.
Viewing your gateway system resource status - Learn about how to check the virtual CPU cores, root volume size, and RAM that are available to your gateway appliance.