Adding and expanding volumes
As your application needs grow, you might need to add more volumes to your gateway, or expand the size of existing volumes. When you add or expand volumes, you must consider the size of the cache storage and upload buffer you allocated to the gateway. The gateway must have sufficient buffer and cache space for new volumes. For more information, see Determining the size of upload buffer to allocate.
You can add volumes using the Storage Gateway console or Storage Gateway API. For instructions on how to add a volume using the Storage Gateway console, see Creating a storage volume. For information about using the Storage Gateway API to add volumes, see CreateCachediSCSIVolume.
You can expand the size of existing volumes using either of the following methods:
Create a snapshot of the volume you want to expand and then use the snapshot to create a new volume of a larger size. For information about how to create a snapshot, see Creating a recovery snapshot. For information about how to use a snapshot to create a new volume, see Creating a storage volume.
Use the cached volume you want to expand to clone a new volume of a larger size. For information about how to clone a volume, see Cloning a cached volume from a recovery point. For information about how to create a volume, see Creating a storage volume.