Monitor Kinesis Data Streams Agent health with Amazon CloudWatch - Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

Monitor Kinesis Data Streams Agent health with Amazon CloudWatch

The agent publishes custom CloudWatch metrics with a namespace of AWSKinesisAgent. These metrics help you assess whether the agent is submitting data into Kinesis Data Streams as specified, and whether it is healthy and consuming the appropriate amount of CPU and memory resources on the data producer. Metrics such as the number of records and bytes sent are useful to understand the rate at which the agent is submitting data to the stream. When these metrics fall below expected thresholds by some percentage or drop to zero, it could indicate configuration issues, network errors, or agent health issues. Metrics such as on-host CPU and memory consumption and agent error counters indicate data producer resource usage, and provide insights into potential configuration or host errors. Finally, the agent also logs service exceptions to help investigate agent issues. These metrics are reported in the Region specified in the agent configuration setting cloudwatch.endpoint. CloudWatch metrics published from multiple Kinesis agents are aggregated or combined. For more information about agent configuration, see Specify the agent configuration settings.

Monitor with CloudWatch

The Kinesis Data Streams agent sends the following metrics to CloudWatch.

Metric Description

The number of bytes sent to Kinesis Data Streams over the specified time period.

Units: Bytes


The number of records attempted (either first time, or as a retry) in a call to PutRecords over the specified time period.

Units: Count


The number of records that returned failure status in a call to PutRecords, including retries, over the specified time period.

Units: Count


The number of calls to PutRecords that resulted in a service error (other than a throttling error) over the specified time period.

Units: Count