Tag resources in Application Manager - AWS Systems Manager

Tag resources in Application Manager

You can quickly add or delete tags on applications and AWS resources in Application Manager. For more information about tags, see Tagging Systems Manager resources.

Use the following procedure to add a tag to or delete a tag from an application and all AWS resources in that application.

To add a tag to or delete a tag from an application and all resources in the application
  1. Open the AWS Systems Manager console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Application Manager.

  3. In the Applications section, choose a category. If you want to open an application you created manually in Application Manager, choose Custom applications.

  4. Choose the application in the list. Application Manager opens the Overview tab.

  5. In the Application information section, choose the number beneath Application tags. If no tags are assigned to the application, the number is zero.

  6. To add a tag, choose Add new tag. Specify a key and an optional value. To delete a tag, choose Remove.

  7. Choose Save.

Use the following procedure to add a tag to or delete a tag from a specific resource in Application Manager.

To add a tag to or delete a tag from a resource
  1. Open the AWS Systems Manager console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Application Manager.

  3. In the Applications section, choose a category. If you want to open an application you created manually in Application Manager, choose Custom applications.

  4. Choose the application in the list. Application Manager opens the Overview tab.

  5. Choose the Resources tab.

  6. Choose a resource name.

  7. In the Tags section choose Edit.

  8. To add a tag, choose Add new tag. Specify a key and an optional value. To delete a tag, choose Remove.

  9. Choose Save.