aws:loop – Iterate over steps in an automation - AWS Systems Manager

aws:loop – Iterate over steps in an automation

This action iterates over a subset of steps in an automation runbook. You can choose a do while or for each style loop. To construct a do while loop, use the LoopCondition input parameter. To construct a for each loop, use the Iterators and IteratorDataType input parameters. When using an aws:loop action, only specify either the Iterators or LoopCondition input parameter. The maximum number of iterations is 100.

The onCancel property can only be used for steps defined within a loop. The onCancel property isn't supported for the aws:loop action. The onFailure property can be used for an aws:loop action, however it will only be used if an unexpected error occurs causing the step to fail. If you define onFailure properties for the steps within a loop, the aws:loop action inherits those properties and reacts accordingly when a failure occurs.


The following are examples of how to construct the different types of loop actions.

do while
name: RepeatMyLambdaFunctionUntilOutputIsReturned action: aws:loop inputs: Steps: - name: invokeMyLambda action: aws:invokeLambdaFunction inputs: FunctionName: LambdaFunctionName outputs: - Name: ShouldRetry Selector: $.Retry Type: Boolean LoopCondition: Variable: "{{ invokeMyLambda.ShouldRetry }}" BooleanEquals: true MaxIterations: 3
for each
name: stopAllInstancesWithWaitTime action: aws:loop inputs: Iterators: "{{ DescribeInstancesStep.InstanceIds }}" IteratorDataType: "String" Steps: - name: stopOneInstance action: aws:changeInstanceState inputs: InstanceIds: - "{{stopAllInstancesWithWaitTime.CurrentIteratorValue}}" CheckStateOnly: false DesiredState: stopped - name: wait10Seconds action: aws:sleep inputs: Duration: PT10S

The input is as follows.


The list of items for the steps to iterate over. The maximum number of iterators is 100.

Type: StringList

Required: No


An optional parameter to specify the data type of the Iterators. A value for this parameter can be provided along with the Iterators input parameter. If you don’t specify a value for this parameter and Iterators, then you must specify a value for the LoopCondition parameter.

Type: String

Valid values: Boolean | Integer | String | StringMap

Default: String

Required: No


Consists of a Variable and an operator condition to evaluate. If you don’t specify a value for this parameter, then you must specify values for the Iterators and IteratorDataType parameters. You can use complex operator evaluations by using a combination of And, Not, and Or operators. The condition is evaluated after the steps in the loop complete. If the condition is true and the MaxIterations value has not been reached, the steps in the loop run again. The operator conditions are as follows:

String operations
  • StringEquals

  • EqualsIgnoreCase

  • StartsWith

  • EndsWith

  • Contains

Numeric operations
  • NumericEquals

  • NumericGreater

  • NumericLesser

  • NumericGreaterOrEquals

  • NumericLesser

  • NumericLesserOrEquals

Boolean operation
  • BooleanEquals

Type: StringMap

Required: No


The maximum number of times the steps in the loop run. Once the value specified for this input is reached, the loop stops running even if the LoopCondition is still true or if there are objects remaining in the Iterators parameter.

Type: Integer

Valid values: 1 - 100

Required: No


The list of steps to run in the loop. These function like a nested runbook. Within these steps you can access the current iterator value for a for each loop using the syntax {{loopStepName.CurrentIteratorValue}}. You can also access an integer value of the current iteration for both loop types using the syntax {{loopStepName.CurrentIteration}}.

Type: List of steps

Required: Yes


The current loop iteration as an integer. Iteration values start at 1.

Type: Integer


The value of the current iterator as a string. This output is only present in for each loops.

Type: String