Edit package permissions (console) - AWS Systems Manager

Edit package permissions (console)

After you add a package to Distributor, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, you can edit the package's permissions in the Systems Manager console. You can add other AWS accounts to a package's permissions. Packages can be shared with other accounts in the same AWS Region only. Cross-Region sharing isn't supported. By default, packages are set to Private, meaning only those with access to the package creator's AWS account can view package information and update or delete the package. If Private permissions are acceptable, you can skip this procedure.


You can update the permissions of packages that are shared with 20 or fewer accounts.

To edit package permissions (console)
  1. Open the AWS Systems Manager console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Distributor.

  3. On the Packages page, choose the package for which you want to edit permissions.

  4. On the Package details tab, choose Edit permissions to change permissions.

  5. For Edit permissions, choose Shared with specific accounts.

  6. Under Shared with specific accounts, add AWS account numbers, one at a time. When you're finished, choose Save.