The following code examples show how to use SendCommand
Action examples are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. You can see this action in context in the following code example:
Example 1: To run a command on one or more remote instances
The following
example runs anecho
command on a target ssm send-command \ --document-name
\ --parameters 'commands=["echo HelloWorld"]
' \ --targets"Key=instanceids,Values=i-1234567890abcdef0"
\ --comment"echo HelloWorld"
{ "Command": { "CommandId": "92853adf-ba41-4cd6-9a88-142d1EXAMPLE", "DocumentName": "AWS-RunShellScript", "DocumentVersion": "", "Comment": "echo HelloWorld", "ExpiresAfter": 1550181014.717, "Parameters": { "commands": [ "echo HelloWorld" ] }, "InstanceIds": [ "i-0f00f008a2dcbefe2" ], "Targets": [], "RequestedDateTime": 1550173814.717, "Status": "Pending", "StatusDetails": "Pending", "OutputS3BucketName": "", "OutputS3KeyPrefix": "", "MaxConcurrency": "50", "MaxErrors": "0", "TargetCount": 1, "CompletedCount": 0, "ErrorCount": 0, "DeliveryTimedOutCount": 0, "ServiceRole": "", "NotificationConfig": { "NotificationArn": "", "NotificationEvents": [], "NotificationType": "" }, "CloudWatchOutputConfig": { "CloudWatchLogGroupName": "", "CloudWatchOutputEnabled": false } } }
For more information, see Running Commands Using Systems Manager Run Command in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.
Examle 2: To get IP information about an instance
The following
example retrieves the IP information about an ssm send-command \ --instance-ids
\ --document-name"AWS-RunShellScript"
\ --comment"IP config"
\ --parameters"commands=ifconfig"
See example 1 for sample output.
For more information, see Running Commands Using Systems Manager Run Command in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.
Example 3: To run a command on instances with specific tags
The following
example runs a command on instances that have the tag key "ENV" and the value "Dev".aws ssm send-command \ --targets
\ --document-name"AWS-RunShellScript"
\ --parameters"commands=ifconfig"
See example 1 for sample output.
For more information, see Running Commands Using Systems Manager Run Command in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.
Example 4: To run a command that sends SNS notifications
The following
example runs a command that sends SNS notifications for all notification events and theCommand
notification ssm send-command \ --instance-ids
\ --document-name"AWS-RunShellScript"
\ --comment"IP config"
\ --parameters"commands=ifconfig"
\ --service-role-arn"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/SNS_Role"
\ --notification-config"NotificationArn=arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:SNSTopicName,NotificationEvents=All,NotificationType=Command"
See example 1 for sample output.
For more information, see Running Commands Using Systems Manager Run Command in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.
Example 5: To run a command that outputs to S3 and CloudWatch
The following
example runs a command that outputs command details to an S3 bucket and to a CloudWatch Logs log ssm send-command \ --instance-ids
\ --document-name"AWS-RunShellScript"
\ --comment"IP config"
\ --parameters"commands=ifconfig"
\ --output-s3-bucket-name
"s3-bucket-name" \ --output-s3-key-prefix"runcommand"
\ --cloud-watch-output-config"CloudWatchOutputEnabled=true,CloudWatchLogGroupName=CWLGroupName"
See example 1 for sample output.
For more information, see Running Commands Using Systems Manager Run Command in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.
Example 6: To run commands on multiple instances with different tags
The following
example runs a command on instances with two different tag keys and ssm send-command \ --document-name
\ --parameters commands=["echo helloWorld"] \ --targetsKey=tag:Env,Values=Dev
See example 1 for sample output.
For more information, see Running Commands Using Systems Manager Run Command in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.
Example 7: To target multiple instances with the same tag key
The following
example runs a command on instances that have the same tag key but with different ssm send-command \ --document-name
\ --parameters commands=["echo helloWorld"] \ --targetsKey=tag:Env,Values=Dev,Test
See example 1 for sample output.
For more information, see Running Commands Using Systems Manager Run Command in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.
Example 8: To run a command that uses a shared document
The following
example runs a shared document on a target ssm send-command \ --document-name
\ --targets"Key=instanceids,Values=i-1234567890abcdef0"
See example 1 for sample output.
For more information, see Using shared SSM documents in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.
For API details, see SendCommand
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
For a complete list of AWS SDK developer guides and code examples, see Using this service with an AWS SDK. This topic also includes information about getting started and details about previous SDK versions.