Viewing association histories - AWS Systems Manager

Viewing association histories

You can view all executions for a specific association ID by using the DescribeAssociationExecutions API operation. Use this operation to see the status, detailed status, results, last execution time, and more information for a State Manager association. State Manager is a tool in AWS Systems Manager. This API operation also includes filters to help you locate associations according to the criteria you specify. For example, you can specify an exact date and time, and use a GREATER_THAN filter to view executions processed after the specified date and time.

If, for example, an association execution failed, you can drill down into the details of a specific execution by using the DescribeAssociationExecutionTargets API operation. This operation shows you the resources, such as node IDs, where the association ran and the various association statuses. You can then see which resource or node failed to run an association. With the resource ID you can then view the command execution details to see which step in a command failed.

The examples in this section also include information about how to use the StartAssociationsOnce API operation to run an association once at the time of creation. You can use this API operation when you investigate failed association executions. If you see that an association failed, you can make a change on the resource, and then immediately run the association to see if the change on the resource allows the association to run successfully.


API operations that are initiated by the SSM document during an association run are not logged in AWS CloudTrail.

Viewing association histories (console)

Use the following procedure to view the execution history for a specific association ID and then view execution details for one or more resources.

To view execution history for a specific association ID
  1. Open the AWS Systems Manager console at

  2. Choose State Manager.

  3. In the Association id field, choose an association for which you want to view the history.

  4. Choose the View details button.

  5. Choose the Execution history tab.

  6. Choose an association for which you want to view resource-level execution details. For example, choose an association that shows a status of Failed. You can then view the execution details for the nodes that failed to run the association.

    Use the search box filters to locate the execution for which you want to view details.

    Filtering the list of State Manager association executions.
  7. Choose an execution ID. The Association execution targets page opens. This page shows all the resources that ran the association.

  8. Choose a resource ID to view specific information about that resource.

    Use the search box filters to locate the resource for which you want to view details.

    Filtering the list of State Manager association executions targets.
  9. If you're investigating an association that failed to run, you can use the Apply association now button to run an association once at the time of creation. After you made changes on the resource where the association failed to run, choose the Association ID link in the navigation breadcrumb.

  10. Choose the Apply association now button. After the execution is complete, verify that the association execution succeeded.

Viewing association histories (command line)

The following procedure describes how to use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) (on Linux or Windows) or AWS Tools for PowerShell to view the execution history for a specific association ID. Following this, the procedure describes how to view execution details for one or more resources.

To view execution history for a specific association ID
  1. Install and configure the AWS CLI or the AWS Tools for PowerShell, if you haven't already.

    For information, see Installing or updating the latest version of the AWS CLI and Installing the AWS Tools for PowerShell.

  2. Run the following command to view a list of executions for a specific association ID.

    Linux & macOS
    aws ssm describe-association-executions \ --association-id ID \ --filters Key=CreatedTime,Value="2018-04-10T19:15:38.372Z",Type=GREATER_THAN

    This command includes a filter to limit the results to only those executions that occurred after a specific date and time. If you want to view all executions for a specific association ID, remove the --filters parameter and Key=CreatedTime,Value="2018-04-10T19:15:38.372Z",Type=GREATER_THAN value.

    aws ssm describe-association-executions ^ --association-id ID ^ --filters Key=CreatedTime,Value="2018-04-10T19:15:38.372Z",Type=GREATER_THAN

    This command includes a filter to limit the results to only those executions that occurred after a specific date and time. If you want to view all executions for a specific association ID, remove the --filters parameter and Key=CreatedTime,Value="2018-04-10T19:15:38.372Z",Type=GREATER_THAN value.

    Get-SSMAssociationExecution ` -AssociationId ID ` -Filter @{"Key"="CreatedTime";"Value"="2019-06-01T19:15:38.372Z";"Type"="GREATER_THAN"}

    This command includes a filter to limit the results to only those executions that occurred after a specific date and time. If you want to view all executions for a specific association ID, remove the -Filter parameter and @{"Key"="CreatedTime";"Value"="2019-06-01T19:15:38.372Z";"Type"="GREATER_THAN"} value.

    The system returns information like the following.

    Linux & macOS
    AssociationId         : c336d2ab-09de-44ba-8f6a-6136cEXAMPLE
    AssociationVersion    : 1
    CreatedTime           : 8/18/2019 2:00:50 AM
    DetailedStatus        : Success
    ExecutionId           : 76a5a04f-caf6-490c-b448-92c02EXAMPLE
    LastExecutionDate     : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
    ResourceCountByStatus : {Success=1}
    Status                : Success
    AssociationId         : c336d2ab-09de-44ba-8f6a-6136cEXAMPLE
    AssociationVersion    : 1
    CreatedTime           : 8/11/2019 2:00:54 AM
    DetailedStatus        : Success
    ExecutionId           : 791b72e0-f0da-4021-8b35-f95dfEXAMPLE
    LastExecutionDate     : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
    ResourceCountByStatus : {Success=1}
    Status                : Success
    AssociationId         : c336d2ab-09de-44ba-8f6a-6136cEXAMPLE
    AssociationVersion    : 1
    CreatedTime           : 8/4/2019 2:01:00 AM
    DetailedStatus        : Success
    ExecutionId           : ecec60fa-6bb0-4d26-98c7-140308EXAMPLE
    LastExecutionDate     : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
    ResourceCountByStatus : {Success=1}
    Status                : Success

    You can limit the results by using one or more filters. The following example returns all associations that were run before a specific date and time.

    Linux & macOS
    aws ssm describe-association-executions \ --association-id ID \ --filters Key=CreatedTime,Value="2018-04-10T19:15:38.372Z",Type=LESS_THAN
    aws ssm describe-association-executions ^ --association-id ID ^ --filters Key=CreatedTime,Value="2018-04-10T19:15:38.372Z",Type=LESS_THAN
    Get-SSMAssociationExecution ` -AssociationId 14bea65d-5ccc-462d-a2f3-e99c8EXAMPLE ` -Filter @{"Key"="CreatedTime";"Value"="2019-06-01T19:15:38.372Z";"Type"="LESS_THAN"}

    The following returns all associations that were successfully run after a specific date and time.

    Linux & macOS
    aws ssm describe-association-executions \ --association-id ID \ --filters Key=CreatedTime,Value="2018-04-10T19:15:38.372Z",Type=GREATER_THAN Key=Status,Value=Success,Type=EQUAL
    aws ssm describe-association-executions ^ --association-id ID ^ --filters Key=CreatedTime,Value="2018-04-10T19:15:38.372Z",Type=GREATER_THAN Key=Status,Value=Success,Type=EQUAL
    Get-SSMAssociationExecution ` -AssociationId 14bea65d-5ccc-462d-a2f3-e99c8EXAMPLE ` -Filter @{ "Key"="CreatedTime"; "Value"="2019-06-01T19:15:38.372Z"; "Type"="GREATER_THAN" }, @{ "Key"="Status"; "Value"="Success"; "Type"="EQUAL" }
  3. Run the following command to view all targets where the specific execution ran.

    Linux & macOS
    aws ssm describe-association-execution-targets \ --association-id ID \ --execution-id ID
    aws ssm describe-association-execution-targets ^ --association-id ID ^ --execution-id ID
    Get-SSMAssociationExecutionTarget ` -AssociationId 14bea65d-5ccc-462d-a2f3-e99c8EXAMPLE ` -ExecutionId 76a5a04f-caf6-490c-b448-92c02EXAMPLE

    You can limit the results by using one or more filters. The following example returns information about all targets where the specific association failed to run.

    Linux & macOS
    aws ssm describe-association-execution-targets \ --association-id ID \ --execution-id ID \ --filters Key=Status,Value="Failed"
    aws ssm describe-association-execution-targets ^ --association-id ID ^ --execution-id ID ^ --filters Key=Status,Value="Failed"
    Get-SSMAssociationExecutionTarget ` -AssociationId 14bea65d-5ccc-462d-a2f3-e99c8EXAMPLE ` -ExecutionId 76a5a04f-caf6-490c-b448-92c02EXAMPLE ` -Filter @{ "Key"="Status"; "Value"="Failed" }

    The following example returns information about a specific managed node where an association failed to run.

    Linux & macOS
    aws ssm describe-association-execution-targets \ --association-id ID \ --execution-id ID \ --filters Key=Status,Value=Failed Key=ResourceId,Value="i-02573cafcfEXAMPLE" Key=ResourceType,Value=ManagedInstance
    aws ssm describe-association-execution-targets ^ --association-id ID ^ --execution-id ID ^ --filters Key=Status,Value=Failed Key=ResourceId,Value="i-02573cafcfEXAMPLE" Key=ResourceType,Value=ManagedInstance
    Get-SSMAssociationExecutionTarget ` -AssociationId 14bea65d-5ccc-462d-a2f3-e99c8EXAMPLE ` -ExecutionId 76a5a04f-caf6-490c-b448-92c02EXAMPLE ` -Filter @{ "Key"="Status"; "Value"="Success" }, @{ "Key"="ResourceId"; "Value"="i-02573cafcfEXAMPLE" }, @{ "Key"="ResourceType"; "Value"="ManagedInstance" }
  4. If you're investigating an association that failed to run, you can use the StartAssociationsOnce API operation to run an association immediately and only one time. After you change the resource where the association failed to run, run the following command to run the association immediately and only one time.

    Linux & macOS
    aws ssm start-associations-once \ --association-id ID
    aws ssm start-associations-once ^ --association-id ID
    Start-SSMAssociationsOnce ` -AssociationId ID