Service quotas - Tagging AWS Resources and Tag Editor

Service quotas

The following table provides information about the service quotas for Tag Editor.

These quotas are currently not adjustable using the Service Quotas console. Contact Support.

Name Default

Tags attached per resource

50 user-defined tags (AWS generated tags don't count against this limit.)

Tag key name

Minimum of 1, maximum 128 Unicode characters in UTF-8.

Allowed characters include letters, numbers, spaces, and the following characters:

_ . : / = + - @

Key names can't begin with aws: because that prefix is reserved for AWS use.


Some AWS services have some additional character or length restrictions. For details, see the documentation for the specific service.

Tag values

Minimum of 0, maximum of 256 Unicode characters in UTF-8.

Allowed characters include letters, numbers, spaces, and the following characters:

_ . : / = + - @


Some AWS services have some additional character or length restrictions. For details, see the documentation for the specific service.

Rate of calling the GetResources API operation

Maximum of 15 calls per second

Rate of calling the following API operations:

Maximum of 5 calls per second