Identity Documentation Response Objects - Amazon Textract

Identity Documentation Response Objects

When you submit an identity document to the AnalyzeID API, it returns a series of IdentityDocumentField objects. Each of these objects contains Type, and Value. Type records the normalized field that Amazon Textract detects, and Value records the text associated with the normalized field.

Following is an example of an IdentityDocumentField, shortened for brevity.

{ "DocumentMetadata": { "Pages": 1 }, "IdentityDocumentFields": [ { "Type": { "Text": "first name" }, "ValueDetection": { "Text": "jennifer", "Confidence": 99.99908447265625 } }, { "Type": { "Text": "last name" }, "ValueDetection": { "Text": "sample", "Confidence": 99.99758911132812 } },

These are two examples of IdentityDocumentFields cut from a longer response. There is a separation between the type detected and the value for that type. Here, it is the first and last name respectively. This structure repeats with all contained information. If a type is not recognized as a normalized field, it will be listed as "other." Additionally, AnalyzeID returns a Blocks object, the same as document text detection so you can have access to the full text of the document.

Following is a list of normalized fields for Driver's Licenses:

  • First Name — FIRST_NAME

  • Last Name — LAST_NAME

  • Middle Name — MIDDLE_NAME

  • Suffix — SUFFIX

  • City in Address — CITY_IN_ADDRESS

  • Zip Code In Address — ZIP_CODE_IN_ADDRESS

  • State In Address — STATE_IN_ADDRESS

  • County — COUNTY

  • Document Number — DOCUMENT_NUMBER

  • Expiration Date — EXPIRATION_DATE

  • Date of Birth — DATE_OF_BIRTH

  • State Name — STATE_NAME

  • Date of Issue — DATE_OF_ISSUE

  • Class — CLASS

  • Restrictions — RESTRICTIONS

  • Endorsements — ENDORSEMENTS

  • Id Type — ID_TYPE

  • Veteran — VETERAN

  • Address — ADDRESS

Following is a list of normalized fields for U.S Passports:

  • First Name — FIRST_NAME

  • Last Name — LAST_NAME

  • Middle Name — MIDDLE_NAME

  • Document Number — DOCUMENT_NUMBER

  • Expiration Date — EXPIRATON_DATE

  • Date of Birth — DATE_OF_BIRTH

  • Place of Birth — PLACE_OF_BIRTH

  • Date of Issue — DATE_OF_ISSUE

  • Id Type — ID_TYPE

  • MRZ Code — MRZ_CODE