Custom Queries tutorial - Amazon Textract

Custom Queries tutorial

This tutorial shows you how to create, train, evaluate, use, and manage adapters.

With adapters, you can improve the accuracy of the Amazon Textract API operations, customizing the model’s behavior to fit your own needs and use cases. After you create an adapter with this tutorial, you can use it when analyzing your own documents with the AnalyzeDocumentAPI operation, and also retrain the adapter for future improvements.

In this tutorial you’ll learn how to:

  • Create an adapter using the AWS Management Console.

  • Create a dataset for training your adapter.

  • Annotate your training data.

  • Train your adapter on your training dataset.

  • Review your adapter’s performance.

  • Retrain your adapter.

  • Use your adapter for document analysis.

  • Delete your adapter.


Before you begin, we recommend that you read Creating adapters.

You must also set up your AWS account and install and configure an AWS SDK. For the SDK setup instructions, see Step 2: Set Up the AWS CLI and AWS SDKs.

Create an adapter

Before you can train or use an adapter you must create one. To create an adapter:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Textract console.

  2. In the left pane, choose Custom Queries. The Amazon Textract Custom Queries landing page is shown.

  3. The Custom Queries landing page show you a list of all your adapters, and there is also a button to create an adapter. Choose Create adapter to create your adapter. The number of successful trainings that can be performed per month is limited per AWS account. Refer to Set Quotas in Amazon Textract for more information regarding limits.

  4. On the following page, enter the adapter name, choose whether to automatically update your adapter, and optionally add tags to it. Then, select Create adapter. When you choose 'auto-update' Amazon Textract will automatically update your adapter when the pretrained Queries feature is updated.

After you create your adapter, you will be able to see the details for that adapter, including adapter name and the Adapter ID. The presence of these details verifies that the adapter has successfully been created.

You can now create the datasets that will be used to train and test your adapter.

Dataset creation

In this step, you create a training dataset and a test dataset by uploading images from your local computer or from an Amazon S3 bucket. For more information about datasets, see Detecting Text Preparing training and testing datasets

When uploading images from your local computer, you can upload up to 30 images at one time. If you have a large number of images to upload, consider creating the datasets by importing the images from an Amazon S3 bucket.

  1. To start creating your dataset, choose your adapter from the list of adapters, and then choose Create dataset.

  2. In the Dataset configuration section, choose either Manual split or Autosplit. With manual split, you can specify individual images as part of your training and testing datasets. If you choose Autosplit, it will define your training and testing sets automatically when you upload all of your images. Manual split is recommended for people who are training adapters for the first time. For now, choose Autosplit.

  3. In the Training dataset details section, you can choose Upload documents from your computer or Import documents from S3 bucket. If you choose to import your documents from an Amazon S3 bucket, provide the path to the bucket and folder that contains your training images. If you upload your documents directly from your computer, note that you can only upload 30 documents at one time. For the purposes of this tutorial, choose Upload documents from your computer.

  4. In the Test dataset details section, you can choose Upload documents from your computer or Import documents from S3 bucket. For the purposes of this tutorial, choose Upload documents from your computer.

  5. Choose Create dataset.

  6. After creating the dataset, you will be taken to a Dataset details page. The dataset details page shows you a list of all the documents in your entire dataset, and which part of the dataset (train or test) your document has been assigned to. View this under the Dataset assigned to column. You can also view the following:

    • Document name

    • Document status

    • Number of pages in the document

    • Document type

    • Document size

    • If the document is part of the training set or the testing set

  7. Select Add documents to dataset and add at least five documents to both your training and testing datasets. If you previously selected Autosplit, you can add all the documents at once.

  8. If you want to add more documents to your dataset, use the Add documents menu to do so.

Before you can start training your adapter, you need to annotate your training documents with Queries. This is required to create the "annotations-ref" entries of your manifest file. After you add all your documents to the training or testing set, you can start the annotation process.

Annotation and verification

In this step, you assign Queries and labels to each document you uploaded to your training and test datasets. You link a Query to the relevant answers on a document page with the AWS Management Console annotation tool.

To assign queries and answers to your documents:

  1. Select Create queries from the Adapter landing page.

  2. Add a query by entering it in the text box.

  3. To add more queries, choose Add new query. Queries can have a 'raw text' response or a 'binary - Yes/No' response. To created a query with a binary response use the advanced setting.

  4. After creating your queries, you must assign labels to your documents. To set labels for your documents, select Auto-labeling or Manual labeling. Auto-labeling is recommended for your first time training the adapter. Select the Auto-labelling option, and then choose Start auto-labeling.

  5. The auto-labeling process will take some time to complete. When it's done, you're notified that “Auto-labeling is now completed.” After the labeling process is complete, you must verify the accuracy of the labeling. Select Verify documents in the Adapter details panel on the Details page, and then choose Start reviewing from the Dataset page.

  6. In the annotation tool, you can select individual documents and view individual pages within those documents. Under the “Review responses” section, select a query that was assigned to your document page. If the answer to the query is incorrect, you can edit the response by clicking the Edit button for the query.

    For queries with Yes/No answers, select Yes, No, or Empty. Then, choose Apply.

    When editing the OCR for the label assigned to a query, choose the provided response and then draw a bounding box around part of the document image. To do so, use the “B” shortcut key or the bounding box tool on the tool bar at the bottom of the annotation tool. Then, choose Apply.

    If a query should have more than one response element (answer), you can add additional responses. To do so, select the query and then choose Add a response. You are then prompted to draw a bounding box on the area of the document that has the answer. Confirm that the label for your bounding box is correct.

    To add a new query for the document page, choose Add query. If you add a query, you must specify the query you want to add and then draw a bounding box for the query label.

    When you're done, choose Submit and next to proceed to the next document and the next set of queries and responses. Repeat until you review all of your queries and responses.

    After you review and evaluate all your queries and responses, select Submit and close.


After you add all of your documents to the training set or the testing set and review the generated responses for your queries, you can train the adapter.

To train the adapter:

  1. Start by clicking Train adapter on the Dataset management page.

  2. While initiating the training process, you can specify an Amazon S3 bucket that will contain the output of your adapter training job. If you specify an Amazon S3 bucket location that doesn’t exist yet, the bucket path will be created for you. You can also add tags to your adapter to track it, and customize your encryption settings. Customize the adapter training to fit your needs and then choose Train Adapter.

  3. On the following page, choose Train Adapter to confirm that you want to start the training process. This will create your first version of your adapter.

After the training process starts, you can monitor the training process status on the Adapter landing page.

You're notified when the training process completes. Then, you can evaluate the adapter’s performance by inspecting metrics.

Evaluating adapter performance

To evaluate model performance, use the left navigation pane to select the adapter version to evaluate.

By examining your adapter’s metrics, you can determine how your adapter is performing on the documents in your dataset and the queries you have defined. You can see the F1 Score, Precision, and Recall for your adapter across different elements of the training data: queries, documents, and pages. To switch between performance for these elements, choose the different tabs below the metrics display pane.

You can also view baseline metrics at any time by toggling the Switch to baseline metrics switch.

The summary of your adapter version’s performance also contains some tips on how to improve your adapter’s performance. You can review these tips at any time to improve your adapter. For more information about how to manage and improve your adapter, see Evaluating and improving your adapters.

To demo your adapter and see its performance on a document:

  1. Choose Try Adapter.

  2. On the Try adapter page, you can choose a document to analyze with your adapter. Select the Choose document button and browse to the document’s location on your device. Alternatively, drag and drop the document into the Upload a document pane.

After uploading a document, the Try Adapter page will update to display the results of the adapter’s analysis, including queries, query answers, and confidence levels. If you are satisfied with your adapter’s performance you can proceed to inference, using your adapter in a call to AnalyzeDocument or StartDocumentAnalysis . Otherwise, you can improve your adapter’s performance by retraining your adapter with additional documents.

Improving an adapter

To improve your adapter’s performance:

  1. Choose Modify the dataset on the Adapter details page.

  2. On the Dataset overview page, select Add documents. To retrain your adapter, add at least five more documents to the training dataset.

  3. You are notified that the documents are added to the dataset. Select Start reviewing to review the results of the auto-labeling process.

  4. Review the queries and responses. After you review and approve all the annotations for the documents you added, choose Submit and close.

  5. On the dataset management page, choose Train adapter to start training your adapter on all of the data in your training dataset, including the new training documents.

Every training job you run creates a new version of the adapter. Note the name of the new adapter version to be sure that you're evaluating the performance of the proper adapter version.


After creating an adapter, you are provided with an ID for your custom adapter. You can provide this ID to the AnalyzeDocument operation for synchronous document analysis, or the StartDocumentAnalysis operation for asynchronous analysis.

Providing the Adapter ID automatically integrates the adapter into the analysis process and uses it to enhance predictions for your documents. This way, you can leverage the capabilities of AnalyzeDocument while customizing it to fit your needs.

For an example of how to run inference using your adapter and the AnalyzeDocument API operation, see Analyzing Document Text with Amazon Textract.

When multiple adapters must be applied to different pages in the same document, you can specify one or more adapter(s) and their respective adapter versions as part of the API request. You can use the Page parameter to specify which pages to apply an adapter to.

Note the following:

This is similar to how the Page parameter for Queries works. Note the following:

  • If a page is not specified, it is set to ["1"] by default.

  • The following characters are valid in the parameter string: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - *. Blank spaces are not valid.

  • When using * to indicate all pages, it must be the only element in the list.

  • The Page parameter does not overlap across adapters. A page can only have one adapter applied to it.

Adapter management

The following steps are repeated iteratively (after initial training of your adapter):

  • Choose Modify the dataset on the Adapter details page of the Amazon Textract console.

  • Select Add documents.

  • Add at least five more documents to the training dataset to retrain your adapter.

  • You're notified that the documents have been added to the dataset. Select Start reviewing to review the results of the auto-labeling process.

  • Review the queries and responses. After you review and approve all the annotations for the new documents, select Train adapter.

  • Wait for the adapter to complete the new round of training, then check performance metrics for your new adapter version.

After you train your model to your target performance level, you can use your adapter for inference in your application.

Be sure to delete adapter versions that you no longer need. To delete an adapter:

  • Go to the Adapters landing page, select the adapter, and choose Delete.

  • Type Delete into the text box, and then choose Delete.