Get an Adapter version - Amazon Textract

Get an Adapter version

You can retrieve configuration information and the current status of an adapter version by calling the GetAdapterVersion operation. When calling GetAdapterVersion, specify the AdapterId and the AdapterVersion. This returns information about the specified adapter version so that you can check the current operational status and configuration options.

To see details for your adapter using the console:

  • Sign in to the Amazon Textract console.

  • Select Custom Queries from the left navigation panel.

  • From the list of your adapters, select the adapter.

  • Select the adapter version in the Adapter versions box.

To see details for your adapter using the AWS CLI or AWS SDK

  • If you haven't already done so, install and configure the AWS CLI and the AWS SDKs. For more information, see Step 2: Set Up the AWS CLI and AWS SDKs.

  • Use the following code to create an adapter:

aws textract get-adapter-version \ --adapter-id "abcdef123456" \ --adapter-version "1"