UpdateTable - Amazon Timestream


Modifies the retention duration of the memory store and magnetic store for your Timestream table. Note that the change in retention duration takes effect immediately. For example, if the retention period of the memory store was initially set to 2 hours and then changed to 24 hours, the memory store will be capable of holding 24 hours of data, but will be populated with 24 hours of data 22 hours after this change was made. Timestream does not retrieve data from the magnetic store to populate the memory store.

See code sample for details.

Request Syntax

{ "DatabaseName": "string", "MagneticStoreWriteProperties": { "EnableMagneticStoreWrites": boolean, "MagneticStoreRejectedDataLocation": { "S3Configuration": { "BucketName": "string", "EncryptionOption": "string", "KmsKeyId": "string", "ObjectKeyPrefix": "string" } } }, "RetentionProperties": { "MagneticStoreRetentionPeriodInDays": number, "MemoryStoreRetentionPeriodInHours": number }, "Schema": { "CompositePartitionKey": [ { "EnforcementInRecord": "string", "Name": "string", "Type": "string" } ] }, "TableName": "string" }

Request Parameters

For information about the parameters that are common to all actions, see Common Parameters.

The request accepts the following data in JSON format.


The name of the Timestream database.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 3. Maximum length of 256.

Required: Yes


Contains properties to set on the table when enabling magnetic store writes.

Type: MagneticStoreWriteProperties object

Required: No


The retention duration of the memory store and the magnetic store.

Type: RetentionProperties object

Required: No


The schema of the table.

Type: Schema object

Required: No


The name of the Timestream table.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 3. Maximum length of 256.

Required: Yes

Response Syntax

{ "Table": { "Arn": "string", "CreationTime": number, "DatabaseName": "string", "LastUpdatedTime": number, "MagneticStoreWriteProperties": { "EnableMagneticStoreWrites": boolean, "MagneticStoreRejectedDataLocation": { "S3Configuration": { "BucketName": "string", "EncryptionOption": "string", "KmsKeyId": "string", "ObjectKeyPrefix": "string" } } }, "RetentionProperties": { "MagneticStoreRetentionPeriodInDays": number, "MemoryStoreRetentionPeriodInHours": number }, "Schema": { "CompositePartitionKey": [ { "EnforcementInRecord": "string", "Name": "string", "Type": "string" } ] }, "TableName": "string", "TableStatus": "string" } }

Response Elements

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in JSON format by the service.


The updated Timestream table.

Type: Table object


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.


You are not authorized to perform this action.

HTTP Status Code: 400


Timestream was unable to fully process this request because of an internal server error.

HTTP Status Code: 500


The requested endpoint was not valid.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The operation tried to access a nonexistent resource. The resource might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be ACTIVE.

HTTP Status Code: 400


Too many requests were made by a user and they exceeded the service quotas. The request was throttled.

HTTP Status Code: 400


An invalid or malformed request.

HTTP Status Code: 400

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: