Grafana - Amazon Timestream


You can visualize your time series data and create alerts using Grafana. To help you get started with data visualization, we have created a sample dashboard in Grafana that visualizes data sent to Timestream from a Python application and a video tutorial that describes the setup.

Sample application

  1. Create a database and a table in Timestream following the instructions described in Create a database for more information.


    The default database name and table name for the Grafana dashboard are set to grafanaDB and grafanaTable respectively. Use these names to minimize setup.

  2. Install Python 3.7 or higher

  3. Install and configure the Timestream Python SDK

  4. Clone the GitHub repository for the multi-thread Python application continuously ingesting data into Timestream following the instructions from GitHub

  5. Run the application for continuously ingesting data into Timestream following the instructions in the README

  6. Complete Getting started with Amazon Managed Grafana or complete Install Grafana.

  7. If installing Grafana instead of using Amazon Managed Grafana, complete Install the Timestream plugin for Grafana.

  8. Open the Grafana dashboard using a browser of your choice. If you've locally installed Grafana, you can follow the instructions described in the Grafana documentation to log in

  9. After launching Grafana, go to Datasources, click on Add Datasource, search for Timestream, and select the Timestream datasource

  10. Configure the Auth Provider and the region and click Save and Test

  11. Set the default macros

    1. Set $__database to the name of your Timestream database (e.g. grafanaDB)

    2. Set $__table to the name of your Timestream table (e.g. grafanaTable)

    3. Set $__measure to the most commonly used measure from the tabl

  12. Click Save and Test

  13. Click on the Dashboards tab

  14. Click on Import to import the dashboard

  15. Double click the Sample Application Dashboard

  16. Click on the dashboard settings

  17. Select Variables

  18. Change dbName and tableName to match the names of the Timestream database and table

  19. Click Save

  20. Refresh the dashboard

  21. To create alerts, follow the instructions described in the Grafana documentation to Create a Grafana managed alerting rule

  22. To troubleshoot alerts, follow the instructions described in the Grafana documentation for Troubleshooting

  23. For additional information, see the Grafana documentation

Video tutorial

This video explains how Grafana works with Timestream.