Implementing the endpoint discovery pattern - Amazon Timestream

Implementing the endpoint discovery pattern

To implement the endpoint discovery pattern, choose an API (Write or Query), create a DescribeEndpoints request, and use the returned endpoint(s) for the duration of the returned TTL value(s). The implementation procedure is described below.


Ensure you are familiar with the usage notes.

Implementation procedure

  1. Acquire the endpoint for the API you would like to make calls against (Write or Query). using the DescribeEndpoints request.

    1. Create a request for DescribeEndpoints that corresponds to the API of interest (Write or Query) using one of the two endpoints described below. There are no input parameters for the request. Ensure that you read the notes below.

      Write SDK:
      Query SDK:

      An example CLI call for region us-east-1 follows.

      REGION_ENDPOINT="" REGION=us-east-1 aws timestream-write describe-endpoints \ --endpoint-url $REGION_ENDPOINT \ --region $REGION

      The HTTP "Host" header must also contain the API endpoint. The request will fail if the header is not populated. This is a standard requirement for all HTTP/1.1 requests. If you use an HTTP library supporting 1.1 or later, the HTTP library should automatically populate the header for you.


      Substitute <region> with the region identifier for the region the request is being made in, e.g. us-east-1

    2. Parse the response to extract the endpoint(s), and cache TTL value(s). The response is an array of one or more Endpoint objects . Each Endpoint object contains an endpoint address (Address) and the TTL for that endpoint (CachePeriodInMinutes).

  2. Cache the endpoint for up to the specified TTL.

  3. When the TTL expires, retrieve a new endpoint by starting over at step 1 of the Implementation.

Usage notes for the endpoint discovery pattern

  • The DescribeEndpoints action is the only action that Timestream Live Analytics regional endpoints recognize.

  • The response contains a list of endpoints to make Timestream Live Analytics API calls against.

  • On successful response, there should be at least one endpoint in the list. If there is more than one endpoint in the list, any of them are equally usable for the API calls, and the caller may choose the endpoint to use at random.

  • In addition to the DNS address of the endpoint, each endpoint in the list will specify a time to live (TTL) that is allowable for using the endpoint specified in minutes.

  • The endpoint should be cached and reused for the amount of time specified by the returned TTL value (in minutes). After the TTL expires a new call to DescribeEndpoints should be made to refresh the endpoint to use, as the endpoint will no longer work after the TTL has expired.