Using batch load error reports - Amazon Timestream

Using batch load error reports

Batch load tasks have one of the following status values:

  • CREATED (Created) – Task is created.

  • IN_PROGRESS (In progress) – Task is in progress.

  • FAILED (Failed) – Task has completed. But one or more errors was detected.

  • SUCCEEDED (Completed) – Task has completed with no errors.

  • PROGRESS_STOPPED (Progress stopped) – Task has stopped but not completed. You can attempt to resume the task.

  • PENDING_RESUME (Pending resume) – The task is pending to resume.

When there are errors, an error log report is created in the S3 bucket defined for that. Errors are categorized as taskErrors or fileErrors in separate arrays. Following is an example error report.

{ "taskId": "9367BE28418C5EF902676482220B631C", "taskErrors": [], "fileErrors": [ { "fileName": "example.csv", "errors": [ { "reason": "The record timestamp is outside the time range of the data ingestion window.", "lineRanges": [ [ 2, 3 ] ] } ] } ] }