Bitwise functions - Amazon Timestream

Bitwise functions

Timestream for LiveAnalytics supports the following bitwise functions.

Function Output data type Description

bit_count(bigint, bigint)

bigint (two's complement)

Returns the count of bits in the first bigint parameter where the second parameter is a bit signed integer such as 8 or 64.

SELECT bit_count(19, 8)

Example result: 3

SELECT bit_count(19, 2)

Example result: Number must be representable with the bits specified. 19 can not be represented with 2 bits

bitwise_and(bigint, bigint)

bigint (two's complement)

Returns the bitwise AND of the bigint parameters.

SELECT bitwise_and(12, 7)

Example result: 4


bigint (two's complement)

Returns the bitwise NOT of the bigint parameter.

SELECT bitwise_not(12)

Example result: -13

bitwise_or(bigint, bigint)

bigint (two's complement)

Returns the bitwise OR of the bigint parameters.

SELECT bitwise_or(12, 7)

Example result: 15

bitwise_xor(bigint, bigint)

bigint (two's complement)

Returns the bitwise XOR of the bigint parameters.

SELECT bitwise_xor(12, 7)

Example result: 11