List batch load tasks - Amazon Timestream

List batch load tasks

You can use the following code snippets to list batch load tasks.

public void listBatchLoadTasks() { final ListBatchLoadTasksResponse listBatchLoadTasksResponse = amazonTimestreamWrite .listBatchLoadTasks(ListBatchLoadTasksRequest.builder() .maxResults(15) .build()); for (BatchLoadTask batchLoadTask : listBatchLoadTasksResponse.batchLoadTasks()) { System.out.println(batchLoadTask.taskId()); } }
package main import ( "fmt" "context" "log" "" "" "" ) func main() { customResolver := aws.EndpointResolverWithOptionsFunc(func(service, region string, options ...interface{}) (aws.Endpoint, error) { if service == timestreamwrite.ServiceID && region == "us-west-2" { return aws.Endpoint{ PartitionID: "aws", URL: <URL>, SigningRegion: "us-west-2", }, nil } return aws.Endpoint{}, &aws.EndpointNotFoundError{} }) cfg, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(context.TODO(), config.WithEndpointResolverWithOptions(customResolver), config.WithRegion("us-west-2")) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to load configuration, %v", err) } client := timestreamwrite.NewFromConfig(cfg) listBatchLoadTasksMaxResult := int32(15) response, err := client.ListBatchLoadTasks(context.TODO(), &timestreamwrite.ListBatchLoadTasksInput{ MaxResults: &listBatchLoadTasksMaxResult, }) for i, task := range response.BatchLoadTasks { fmt.Println(i, aws.ToString(task.TaskId)) } }
import boto3 from botocore.config import Config INGEST_ENDPOINT = "<url>" REGION = "us-west-2" HT_TTL_HOURS = 24 CT_TTL_DAYS = 7 def print_batch_load_tasks(batch_load_tasks): for batch_load_task in batch_load_tasks: print(batch_load_task['TaskId']) def list_batch_load_tasks(client): print("\nListing batch load tasks") try: response = client.list_batch_load_tasks(MaxResults=10) print_batch_load_tasks(response['BatchLoadTasks']) next_token = response.get('NextToken', None) while next_token: response = client.list_batch_load_tasks( NextToken=next_token, MaxResults=10) print_batch_load_tasks(response['BatchLoadTasks']) next_token = response.get('NextToken', None) except Exception as err: print("List batch load tasks failed:", err) raise err if __name__ == '__main__': session = boto3.Session() write_client = session.client('timestream-write', endpoint_url=INGEST_ENDPOINT, region_name=REGION, config=Config(read_timeout=20, max_pool_connections=5000, retries={'max_attempts': 10})) list_batch_load_tasks(write_client)

The following snippet uses AWS SDK for JavaScript v3. For more information about how to install the client and usage, see Timestream Write Client - AWS SDK for JavaScript v3.

For API details, see Class DescribeBatchLoadCommand and DescribeBatchLoadTask.

import { TimestreamWriteClient, ListBatchLoadTasksCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-timestream-write"; const writeClient = new TimestreamWriteClient({ region: "<region>", endpoint: "<endpoint>" }); const params = { MaxResults: <15> }; const command = new ListBatchLoadTasksCommand(params); getBatchLoadTasksList(null); async function getBatchLoadTasksList(nextToken) { if (nextToken) { params.NextToken = nextToken; } try { const data = await writeClient.send(command); data.BatchLoadTasks.forEach(function (task) { console.log(task.TaskId); }); if (data.NextToken) { return getBatchLoadTasksList(data.NextToken); } } catch (error) { console.log("Error while listing batch load tasks", error); } }
using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using Amazon.TimestreamWrite; using Amazon.TimestreamWrite.Model; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace TimestreamDotNetSample { public class ListBatchLoadTasksExample { private readonly AmazonTimestreamWriteClient writeClient; public ListBatchLoadTasksExample(AmazonTimestreamWriteClient writeClient) { this.writeClient = writeClient; } public async Task ListBatchLoadTasks() { Console.WriteLine("Listing batch load tasks"); try { var listBatchLoadTasksRequest = new ListBatchLoadTasksRequest { MaxResults = 15 }; ListBatchLoadTasksResponse response = await writeClient.ListBatchLoadTasksAsync(listBatchLoadTasksRequest); PrintBatchLoadTasks(response.BatchLoadTasks); var nextToken = response.NextToken; while (nextToken != null) { listBatchLoadTasksRequest.NextToken = nextToken; response = await writeClient.ListBatchLoadTasksAsync(listBatchLoadTasksRequest); PrintBatchLoadTasks(response.BatchLoadTasks); nextToken = response.NextToken; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("List batch load tasks failed:" + e.ToString()); } } private void PrintBatchLoadTasks(List<BatchLoadTask> tasks) { foreach (BatchLoadTask task in tasks) Console.WriteLine($"Task:{task.TaskId}"); } } }
using Amazon.TimestreamWrite; using Amazon.TimestreamWrite.Model; using Amazon; using Amazon.TimestreamQuery; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System; using CommandLine; static class Constants { } namespace TimestreamDotNetSample { class MainClass { public class Options { } public static void Main(string[] args) { Parser.Default.ParseArguments<Options>(args) .WithParsed<Options>(o => { MainAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); }); } static async Task MainAsync() { var writeClientConfig = new AmazonTimestreamWriteConfig { ServiceURL = "<service URL>", Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20), MaxErrorRetry = 10 }; var writeClient = new AmazonTimestreamWriteClient(writeClientConfig); var example = new ListBatchLoadTasksExample(writeClient); await example.ListBatchLoadTasks(); } } }