Troubleshooting - Amazon Timestream


Warning of "dev" version not recognized

The warning 'WARN: Couldn't parse version "dev" reported by server, assuming latest backup/restore APIs are supported' may be displayed during migration. This warning can be ignored.

Migration failed during restoration stage

In the event of a failed migration during the restoration stage, users can use the --retry-restore-dir flag to re-attempt the restoration. Use the --retry-restore-dir flag with a path to a previously backed-up directory to skip the backup stage and retry the restoration stage. The created backup directory used for a migration will be indicated if a migration fails during restoration.

Possible reasons for a restore failing include:

  • Invalid InfluxDB destination token – A bucket existing in the destination instance with the same name as in the source instance. For individual bucket migrations use the --dest-bucket option to set a unique name for the migrated bucket

  • Connectivity failure, either with the source or destination hosts or with an optional S3 bucket.

Amazon Timestream for InfluxDB basic operational guidelines

Following are basic operational guidelines that everyone should follow when working with Amazon Timestream for InfluxDB. Note that the Amazon Timestream for InfluxDB Service Level Agreement requires that you follow these guidelines:

  • Use metrics to monitor your memory, CPU, and storage usage. You can set up Amazon CloudWatch to notify you when usage patterns change or when you approach the capacity of your deployment. This way, you can maintain system performance and availability.

  • Scale up your DB instance when you are approaching storage capacity limits. You should have some buffer in storage and memory to accommodate unforeseen increases in demand from your applications. Keep in mind that at this time, you will need to create a new instance and migrate your data to achieve this.

  • If your database workload requires more I/O than you have provisioned, recovery after a failover or database failure will be slow. To increase the I/O capacity of a DB instance, do any or all of the following:

    • Migrate to a different DB instance with higher I/O capacity.

    • If you are already using Influx IOPS included storage storage, provision a storage type with higher IOPS included.

  • If your client application is caching the Domain Name Service (DNS) data of your DB instances, set a time-to-live (TTL) value of less than 30 seconds. The underlying IP address of a DB instance can change after a failover. Caching the DNS data for an extended time can thus lead to connection failures. Your application might try to connect to an IP address that's no longer in service.

DB instance RAM recommendations

An Amazon Timestream for InfluxDB performance best practice is to allocate enough RAM so that your working set resides almost completely in memory. The working set is the data and indexes that are frequently in use on your instance. The more you use the DB instance, the more the working set will grow.