How to Specify the AWS Security Credentials for Your Application - AWS Toolkit with Amazon Q

How to Specify the AWS Security Credentials for Your Application

The AWS account you specify in the Publish to Elastic Beanstalk wizard is the AWS account the wizard will use for deployment to Elastic Beanstalk.

Although not recommended, you may also need to specify AWS account credentials that your application will use to access AWS services after it has been deployed. The preferred approach is to specify an IAM role. In the Publish to Elastic Beanstalk wizard, you do this through the Identity and Access Management Role drop-down list on the AWS Options page. In the legacy Publish to Amazon Web Services wizard, you do this through the IAM Role drop-down list on the AWS Options page.

If you must use AWS account credentials instead of an IAM role, you can specify the AWS account credentials for your application in one of the following ways:

  • Reference a profile corresponding to the AWS account credentials in the appSettings element of the project's Web.config file. (To create a profile, see Configuring AWS Credentials.) The following example specifies credentials whose profile name is myProfile.

    <appSettings> <!-- AWS CREDENTIALS --> <add key="AWSProfileName" value="myProfile"/> </appSettings>
  • If you're using the Publish to Elastic Beanstalk wizard, on the Application Options page, in the Key row of the Key and Value area, choose AWSAccessKey. In the Value row, type the access key. Repeat these steps for AWSSecretKey.

  • If you're using the legacy Publish to Amazon Web Services wizard, on the Application Options page, in the Application Credentials area, choose Use these credentials, and then type the access key and secret access key into the Access Key and Secret Key boxes.