Running and debugging local Amazon API Gateway resources - AWS Toolkit for VS Code

Running and debugging local Amazon API Gateway resources

You can run or debug AWS SAM API Gateway local resources, specified in template.yaml, by running a VS Code launch config of type=aws-sam with the


API Gateway supports two types of APIs, REST and HTTP. However, the API Gateway feature with the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code only supports REST APIs. Sometimes HTTP APIs are called "API Gateway V2 APIs."

To run and debug local API Gateway resources
  1. Choose one of the following approaches to create a launch config for an AWS SAM API Gateway resource:

    • Option 1: Visit the handler source code (.js, .cs, or .py file) in your AWS SAM project, hover over the Lambda handler, and choose the Add Debug Configuration CodeLens. Then, in the menu, choose the item marked API Event.

    • Option 2: Edit launch.json and create a new launch configuration using the following syntax.

      { "type": "aws-sam", "request": "direct-invoke", "name": "myConfig", "invokeTarget": { "target": "api", "templatePath": "n12/template.yaml", "logicalId": "HelloWorldFunction" }, "api": { "path": "/hello", "httpMethod": "post", "payload": { "json": {} } }, "sam": {}, "aws": {} }
  2. In the VS Code Run panel, choose the launch config (named myConfig in the above example).

  3. (Optional) Add breakpoints to your Lambda project code.

  4. Type F5 or choose Play in the Run panel.

  5. In the output pane, view the results.


When you use the property value api, the Toolkit changes the launch configuration validation and behavior to support an api field.

{ "type": "aws-sam", "request": "direct-invoke", "name": "myConfig", "invokeTarget": { "target": "api", "templatePath": "n12/template.yaml", "logicalId": "HelloWorldFunction" }, "api": { "path": "/hello", "httpMethod": "post", "payload": { "json": {} }, "querystring": "abc=def&qrs=tuv", "headers": { "cookie": "name=value; name2=value2; name3=value3" } }, "sam": {}, "aws": {} }

Replace the values in the example as follows:


An API resource.


The API path that the launch config requests, for example, "path": "/hello".

Must be a valid API path resolved from the template.yaml specified by invokeTarget.templatePath.


One of the following verbs: "delete", "get", "head", "options", "patch", "post", "put".


The JSON payload (HTTP body) to send in the request , with the same structure and rules as the lambda.payload field.

payload.path points to a file containing the JSON payload.

payload.json specifies a JSON payload inline.


Optional map of name-value pairs, which you use to specify HTTP headers to include in the request, as shown in the following example.

"headers": { "accept-encoding": "deflate, gzip;q=1.0, *;q=0.5", "accept-language": "fr-CH, fr;q=0.9, en;q=0.8, de;q=0.7, *;q=0.5", "cookie": "name=value; name2=value2; name3=value3", "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.198 Safari/537.36", }

Optional string which sets the querystring of the request, for example, "querystring": "abc=def&ghi=jkl".


How AWS connection information is provided. For more information, see the AWS connection ("aws") properties table in the Configuration options for debugging serverless applications section.


How the AWS SAM CLI builds the application. For more information, see the AWS SAM CLI ("sam") properties table in the Configuration options for debugging serverless applications section.