Sort keys - Amazon Redshift

Sort keys


We recommend that you create your tables with SORTKEY AUTO. If you do so, then Amazon Redshift uses automatic table optimization to choose the sort key. For more information, see Automatic table optimization. The rest of this section provides details about the sort order.

When you create a table, you can alternatively define one or more of its columns as sort keys. When data is initially loaded into the empty table, the rows are stored on disk in sorted order. Information about sort key columns is passed to the query planner, and the planner uses this information to construct plans that exploit the way that the data is sorted. For more information, see CREATE TABLE. For information on best practices when creating a sort key, see Choose the best sort key.

Sorting enables efficient handling of range-restricted predicates. Amazon Redshift stores columnar data in 1 MB disk blocks. The min and max values for each block are stored as part of the metadata. If a query uses a range-restricted predicate, the query processor can use the min and max values to rapidly skip over large numbers of blocks during table scans. For example, suppose that a table stores five years of data sorted by date and a query specifies a date range of one month. In this case, you can remove up to 98 percent of the disk blocks from the scan. If the data is not sorted, more of the disk blocks (possibly all of them) have to be scanned.

You can specify either a compound or interleaved sort key. A compound sort key is more efficient when query predicates use a prefix, which is a subset of the sort key columns in order. An interleaved sort key gives equal weight to each column in the sort key, so query predicates can use any subset of the columns that make up the sort key, in any order.

To understand the impact of the chosen sort key on query performance, use the EXPLAIN command. For more information, see Query planning and execution workflow.

To define a sort type, use either the INTERLEAVED or COMPOUND keyword with your CREATE TABLE or CREATE TABLE AS statement. The default is COMPOUND. COMPOUND is recommended when you update your tables regularly with INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operations. An INTERLEAVED sort key can use a maximum of eight columns. Depending on your data and cluster size, VACUUM REINDEX takes significantly longer than VACUUM FULL because it makes an additional pass to analyze the interleaved sort keys. The sort and merge operation can take longer for interleaved tables because the interleaved sort might have to rearrange more rows than a compound sort.

To view the sort keys for a table, query the SVV_TABLE_INFO system view.