Create a Verified Access group - AWS Verified Access

Create a Verified Access group

Use the following procedure to create a Verified Access group.

To create a Verified Access group
  1. Open the Amazon VPC console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Verified Access groups, and then Create Verified Access group.

  3. (Optional) For Name tag and Description, enter a name and description for the group.

  4. For Verified Access instance, select a Verified Access instance to associate with the group.

  5. (Optional) For Policy definition, enter a Verified Access policy to apply to the group.

  6. (Optional) To add a tag, choose Add new tag and enter the tag key and the tag value.

  7. Choose Create Verified Access group.

To create a Verified Access group (AWS CLI)

Use the create-verified-access-group command.