OCSF version 0.1 examples - AWS Verified Access

OCSF version 0.1 examples

The following are sample logs using the default logging OCSF version 0.1.

Access granted with OIDC

In this example log entry, Verified Access allows access to an endpoint with an OIDC user trust provider.

{ "activity": "Access Granted", "activity_id": "1", "category_name": "Application Activity", "category_uid": "8", "class_name": "Access Logs", "class_uid": "208001", "device": { "ip": "", "type": "Unknown", "type_id": 0 }, "duration": "0.004", "end_time": "1668580194344", "time": "1668580194344", "http_request": { "http_method": "GET", "url": { "hostname": "hello.app.example.com", "path": "/", "port": 443, "scheme": "https", "text": "https://hello.app.example.com:443/" }, "user_agent": "python-requests/2.28.1", "version": "HTTP/1.1" }, "http_response": { "code": 200 }, "identity": { "authorizations": [ { "decision": "Allow", "policy": { "name": "inline" } } ], "idp": { "name": "user", "uid": "vatp-09bc4cbce2EXAMPLE" }, "user": { "email_addr": "johndoe@example.com", "name": "Test User Display", "uid": "johndoe@example.com", "uuid": "00u6wj48lbxTAEXAMPLE" } }, "message": "", "metadata": { "uid": "Root=1-63748362-6408d24241120b942EXAMPLE", "logged_time": 1668580281337, "version": "0.1", "product": { "name": "Verified Access", "vendor_name": "AWS" } }, "ref_time": "2022-11-16T06:29:54.344948Z", "proxy": { "ip": "", "port": 443, "svc_name": "Verified Access", "uid": "vai-002fa341aeEXAMPLE" }, "severity": "Informational", "severity_id": "1", "src_endpoint": { "ip": "", "port": "48234" }, "start_time": "1668580194340", "status_code": "100", "status_details": "Access Granted", "status_id": "1", "status": "Success", "type_uid": "20800101", "type_name": "AccessLogs: Access Granted", "unmapped": null }

Access granted with OIDC and JAMF

In this example log entry, Verified Access allows access to an endpoint with both OIDC and JAMF device trust providers.

{ "activity": "Access Granted", "activity_id": "1", "category_name": "Application Activity", "category_uid": "8", "class_name": "Access Logs", "class_uid": "208001", "device": { "ip": "", "type": "Unknown", "type_id": 0, "uid": "41b07859-4222-4f41-f3b9-97dc1EXAMPLE" }, "duration": "0.347", "end_time": "1668804944086", "time": "1668804944086", "http_request": { "http_method": "GET", "url": { "hostname": "hello.app.example.com", "path": "/", "port": 443, "scheme": "h2", "text": "https://hello.app.example.com:443/" }, "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36", "version": "HTTP/2.0" }, "http_response": { "code": 304 }, "identity": { "authorizations": [ { "decision": "Allow", "policy": { "name": "inline" } } ], "idp": { "name": "oidc", "uid": "vatp-9778003bc2EXAMPLE" }, "user": { "email_addr": "johndoe@example.com", "name": "Test User Display", "uid": "johndoe@example.com", "uuid": "4f040d0f96becEXAMPLE" } }, "message": "", "metadata": { "uid": "Root=1-321318ce-6100d340adf4fb29dEXAMPLE", "logged_time": 1668805278555, "version": "0.1", "product": { "name": "Verified Access", "vendor_name": "AWS" } }, "ref_time": "2022-11-18T20:55:44.086480Z", "proxy": { "ip": "", "port": 443, "svc_name": "Verified Access", "uid": "vai-3598f66575EXAMPLE" }, "severity": "Informational", "severity_id": "1", "src_endpoint": { "ip": "", "port": 61769 }, "start_time": "1668804943739", "status_code": "100", "status_details": "Access Granted", "status_id": "1", "status": "Success", "type_uid": "20800101", "type_name": "AccessLogs: Access Granted", "unmapped": null }

Access granted with OIDC and CrowdStrike

In this example log entry, Verified Access allows access to an endpoint with both OIDC and CrowdStrike device trust providers.

{ "activity": "Access Granted", "activity_id": "1", "category_name": "Application Activity", "category_uid": "8", "class_name": "Access Logs", "class_uid": "208001", "device": { "ip": "", "os": { "name": "Windows 11", "type": "Windows", "type_id": 100 }, "type": "Unknown", "type_id": 0, "uid": "122978434f65093aee5dfbdc0EXAMPLE", "hw_info": { "serial_number": "751432a1-d504-fd5e-010d-5ed11EXAMPLE" } }, "duration": "0.028", "end_time": "1668816620842", "time": "1668816620842", "http_request": { "http_method": "GET", "url": { "hostname": "test.app.example.com", "path": "/", "port": 443, "scheme": "h2", "text": "https://test.app.example.com:443/" }, "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36", "version": "HTTP/2.0" }, "http_response": { "code": 304 }, "identity": { "authorizations": [ { "decision": "Allow", "policy": { "name": "inline" } } ], "idp": { "name": "oidc", "uid": "vatp-506d9753f6EXAMPLE" }, "user": { "email_addr": "johndoe@example.com", "name": "Test User Display", "uid": "johndoe@example.com", "uuid": "23bb45b16a389EXAMPLE" } }, "message": "", "metadata": { "uid": "Root=1-c16c5a65-b641e4056cc6cb0eeEXAMPLE", "logged_time": 1668816977134, "version": "0.1", "product": { "name": "Verified Access", "vendor_name": "AWS" } }, "ref_time": "2022-11-19T00:10:20.842295Z", "proxy": { "ip": "", "port": 443, "svc_name": "Verified Access", "uid": "vai-2f80f37e64EXAMPLE" }, "severity": "Informational", "severity_id": "1", "src_endpoint": { "ip": "", "port": 55706 }, "start_time": "1668816620814", "status_code": "100", "status_details": "Access Granted", "status_id": "1", "status": "Success", "type_uid": "20800101", "type_name": "AccessLogs: Access Granted", "unmapped": null }

In this example log entry, Verified Access denies access due to a missing authentication cookie.

{ "activity": "Access Denied", "activity_id": "2", "category_name": "Application Activity", "category_uid": "8", "class_name": "Access Logs", "class_uid": "208001", "device": null, "duration": "0.0", "end_time": "1668593568259", "time": "1668593568259", "http_request": { "http_method": "POST", "url": { "hostname": "hello.app.example.com", "path": "/dns-query", "port": 443, "scheme": "h2", "text": "https://hello.app.example.com:443/dns-query" }, "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML", "version": "HTTP/2.0" }, "http_response": { "code": 302 }, "identity": null, "message": "", "metadata": { "uid": "Root=1-5cf1c832-a565309ce20cc7dafEXAMPLE", "logged_time": 1668593776720, "version": "0.1", "product": { "name": "Verified Access", "vendor_name": "AWS" } }, "ref_time": "2022-11-16T10:12:48.259762Z", "proxy": { "ip": "", "port": 443, "svc_name": "Verified Access", "uid": "vai-108ed7a672EXAMPLE" }, "severity": "Informational", "severity_id": "1", "src_endpoint": { "ip": "", "port": "46246" }, "start_time": "1668593568258", "status_code": "200", "status_details": "Authentication Denied", "status_id": "2", "status": "Failure", "type_uid": "20800102", "type_name": "AccessLogs: Access Denied", "unmapped": null }

Access denied by policy

In this example log entry, Verified Access denies an authenticated request because the request is not allowed by the access policies.

{ "activity": "Access Denied", "activity_id": "2", "category_name": "Application Activity", "category_uid": "8", "class_name": "Access Logs", "class_uid": "208001", "device": { "ip": "", "type": "Unknown", "type_id": 0 }, "duration": "0.023", "end_time": "1668573630978", "time": "1668573630978", "http_request": { "http_method": "GET", "url": { "hostname": "hello.app.example.com", "path": "/", "port": 443, "scheme": "h2", "text": "https://hello.app.example.com:443/" }, "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36", "version": "HTTP/2.0" }, "http_response": { "code": 401 }, "identity": { "authorizations": [], "idp": { "name": "user", "uid": "vatp-e048b3e0f8EXAMPLE" }, "user": { "email_addr": "johndoe@example.com", "name": "Test User Display", "uid": "johndoe@example.com", "uuid": "0e1281ad3580aEXAMPLE" } }, "message": "", "metadata": { "uid": "Root=1-531a036a-09e95794c7b96aefbEXAMPLE", "logged_time": 1668573773753, "version": "0.1", "product": { "name": "Verified Access", "vendor_name": "AWS" } }, "ref_time": "2022-11-16T04:40:30.978732Z", "proxy": { "ip": "", "port": 443, "svc_name": "Verified Access", "uid": "vai-021d5eaed2EXAMPLE" }, "severity": "Informational", "severity_id": "1", "src_endpoint": { "ip": "", "port": "31746" }, "start_time": "1668573630955", "status_code": "300", "status_details": "Authorization Denied", "status_id": "2", "status": "Failure", "type_uid": "20800102", "type_name": "AccessLogs: Access Denied", "unmapped": null }

Unknown log entry

In this example log entry, Verified Access can't generate a complete log entry so it emits an unknown log entry. This ensures that every request appears in the access log.

{ "activity": "Unknown", "activity_id": "0", "category_name": "Application Activity", "category_uid": "8", "class_name": "Access Logs", "class_uid": "208001", "device": null, "duration": "0.004", "end_time": "1668580207898", "time": "1668580207898", "http_request": { "http_method": "GET", "url": { "hostname": "hello.app.example.com", "path": "/", "port": 443, "scheme": "https", "text": "https://hello.app.example.com:443/" }, "user_agent": "python-requests/2.28.1", "version": "HTTP/1.1" }, "http_response": { "code": 200 }, "identity": null, "message": "", "metadata": { "uid": "Root=1-435eb955-6b5a1d529343f5adaEXAMPLE", "logged_time": 1668580579147, "version": "0.1", "product": { "name": "Verified Access", "vendor_name": "AWS" } }, "ref_time": "2022-11-16T06:30:07.898344Z", "proxy": { "ip": "", "port": 443, "svc_name": "Verified Access", "uid": "vai-6c32b53b3cEXAMPLE" }, "severity": "Informational", "severity_id": "1", "src_endpoint": { "ip": "", "port": "47220" }, "start_time": "1668580207893", "status_code": "000", "status_details": "Unknown", "status_id": "0", "status": "Unknown", "type_uid": "20800100", "type_name": "AccessLogs: Unknown", "unmapped": null }