Trust data from trust providers - AWS Verified Access

Trust data from trust providers

Trust data is data sent to AWS Verified Access from a trust provider. It is sometimes referred to as "user claims" or "trust context" as well. The data generally includes information about either a user or a device. Examples of trust data include user email, group membership, device operating system version, device security state, and more. The information sent varies based on the trust provider, so you should refer to your trust provider’s documentation for a complete and updated list of trust data.

However, by using the Verified Access logging capabilities, you can also see what trust data is being sent from your trust provider. This can be very useful when defining policies that allow or deny access to your applications. For information on including trust context in your logs, see Including trust context.

This section contains sample trust data and examples to get started with policy writing. The information provided here is intended for illustrative purposes only and not as an official reference.