EntityItem - Amazon Verified Permissions


Contains information about an entity that can be referenced in a Cedar policy.

This data type is used as one of the fields in the EntitiesDefinition structure.

{ "identifier": { "entityType": "Photo", "entityId": "VacationPhoto94.jpg" }, "attributes": {}, "parents": [ { "entityType": "Album", "entityId": "alice_folder" } ] }



In the following list, the required parameters are described first.


The identifier of the entity.

Type: EntityIdentifier object

Required: Yes


A list of attributes for the entity.

Type: String to AttributeValue object map

Required: No


The parent entities in the hierarchy that contains the entity. A principal or resource entity can be defined with at most 99 transitive parents per authorization request.

A transitive parent is an entity in the hierarchy of entities including all direct parents, and parents of parents. For example, a user can be a member of 91 groups if one of those groups is a member of eight groups, for a total of 100: one entity, 91 entity parents, and eight parents of parents.

Type: Array of EntityIdentifier objects

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: