Create an attachment - AWS Network Manager

Create an attachment

When you attach a VPC to a core network edge, you must specify one subnet from each Availability Zone to be used by the core network edge to route traffic. Specifying one subnet from an Availability Zone enables traffic to reach resources in every subnet in that Availability Zone. Limits mentioned on the Transit Gateway attachment to VPC page of the Transit Gateway User Guide applies also to core network VPC attachments. You can only add attachments after your core network is deployed and the core network policy is in place.

You can work with core network attachments using the Amazon VPC Console or the command line or API.

Attachment states can be one of the following. Attachment states appear on the Attachments page of the AWS Cloud WAN console.

  • Creating — Creation of an attachment is in process.

  • Deleting — Deletion of an attachment is in process.

  • Pending network update — Waiting for the connection of attachments to the core network.

  • Pending tag acceptance — Waiting for the core network owner to review the tag change for an attachment.

  • Pending attachment acceptance — Waiting for the core network owner to accept or reject an attachment.

  • Rejected — The core network owner rejected the attachment.

  • Available — The attachment is fully functional.

  • Failed — The attachment failed to attach to the core network. For example, this might be due to an input error or a service linked role issue.

The following are the supported core network attachment types. You can create an attachment using either the Network Manager console or through the command line/API.

Next step: (Optional) Create a core network policy version.