Verify domain control - Amazon Virtual Private Cloud

Verify domain control

Before you bring an IP address range to AWS, you have to use one of the options described in this section to verify that you control the IP address space. Later, when you bring the IP address range to AWS, AWS validates that you control the IP address range. This validation ensures that customers cannot use IP ranges belonging to others, preventing routing and security issues.

There are two methods that you can use to verify that you control the range:

  • X.509 certificate: If your IP address range is registered with an Internet Registry that supports RDAP (such as ARIN, RIPE and APNIC), you can use an X.509 certificate to verify ownership of your domain.

  • DNS TXT record: Regardless of whether your Internet Registry supports RDAP, you can use a verification token and a DNS TXT record to verify ownership of your domain.

Verify your domain with an X.509 certificate

This section describes how to verify your domain with an X.509 certificate before you bring your IP address range to IPAM.

To verify your domain with an X.509 certificate
  1. Complete the three steps in Prerequisites for BYOIP in Amazon EC2 in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.


    When you create the ROAs, for IPv4 CIDRs you must set the maximum length of an IP address prefix to /24. For IPv6 CIDRs, if you are adding them to an advertisable pool, the maximum length of an IP address prefix must be /48. This ensures that you have full flexibility to divide your public IP address across AWS Regions. IPAM enforces the maximum length you set. The maximum length is the smallest prefix length announcement you will allow for this route. For example, if you bring a /20 CIDR block to AWS, by setting the maximum length to /24, you can divide the larger block any way you like (such as with /21, /22, or /24) and distribute those smaller CIDR blocks to any Region. If you were to set the maximum length to /23, you would not be able to divide and advertise a /24 from the larger block. Also, note that /24 is the smallest IPv4 block and /48 is the smallest IPv6 block you can advertise from a Region to the internet.

  2. Complete steps 1 and 2 only under Provision a publicly advertisable address range in AWS in the Amazon EC2 User Guide, and don't provision the address range (step 3) yet. Save the text_message and signed_message. You'll need them later in this process.

When you've completed these steps, continue with Bring your own IP to IPAM using both the AWS Management Console and the AWS CLI or Bring your own IP CIDR to IPAM using only the AWS CLI.

Verify your domain with a DNS TXT record

Complete the steps in this section to verify your domain with a DNS TXT record before you bring your IP address range to IPAM.

You can use DNS TXT records to validate that you control a public IP address range. DNS TXT records are a type of DNS record that contain information about your domain name. This feature enables you to bring IP addresses registered with any internet registry (such as JPNIC, LACNIC, and AFRINIC), not just those that support RDAP (Registration Data Access Protocol) record-based validations (such as ARIN, RIPE and APNIC).


Before you can continue, you must have already created an IPAM in the Free or Advanced Tier. If you don’t have an IPAM, complete Create an IPAM first.

Step 1: Create a ROA if you don't have one

You must have a Route Origin Authorization (ROA) in your Regional Internet Registry (RIR) for IP address ranges you wish to advertise. If you don’t have a ROA in your RIR, complete 3. Create a ROA object in your RIR in the Amazon EC2 User Guide. Ignore the other steps.

The most specific IPv4 address range that you can bring is /24. The most specific IPv6 address range that you can bring is /48 for CIDRs that are publicly advertisable and /60 for CIDRs that are not publicly advertisable.

Step 2. Create a verification token

A verification token is an AWS-generated random value that you can use to prove control of an external resource. For example, you can use a verification token to validate that you control a public IP address range when you bring an IP address range to AWS (BYOIP).

Complete the steps in this section to create a verification token which you'll need in a later step in this tutorial to bring your IP address range to IPAM. Use the instructions below for either the AWS console or the AWS CLI.

AWS Management Console
To create a verification token
  1. Open the IPAM console at

  2. In the AWS Management Console, choose the AWS Region where you created your IPAM.

  3. In the left navigation pane, choose IPAMs.

  4. Choose your IPAM and then choose the Verification tokens tab.

  5. Select Create verification token.

  6. After you create the token, leave this browser tab open. You’ll need the Token value, Token name in the next step and the Token ID in a later step.

Note the following:

  • Once you create a verification token, you can reuse the token for multiple BYOIP CIDRs that you provision from your IPAM within 72 hours. If you want to provision more CIDRs after 72 hours, you need a new token.

  • You can create up to 100 tokens. If you reach the limit, delete expired tokens.

Command line
  • Request that IPAM creates a verification token that you will use for the DNS configuration with create-ipam-external-resource-verification-token:

    aws ec2 create-ipam-external-resource-verification-token --ipam-id ipam-id

    This will return an IpamExternalResourceVerificationTokenId and token with TokenName and TokenValue, and the expiration time (NotAfter) of the token.

    { "IpamExternalResourceVerificationToken": { "IpamExternalResourceVerificationTokenId": "ipam-ext-res-ver-token-0309ce7f67a768cf0", "IpamId": "ipam-0f9e8725ac3ae5754", "TokenValue": "a34597c3-5317-4238-9ce7-50da5b6e6dc8", "TokenName": "86950620", "NotAfter": "2024-05-19T14:28:15.927000+00:00", "Status": "valid", "Tags": [], "State": "create-in-progress" } }

Note the following:

Step 3. Set up the DNS zone and TXT record

Complete the steps in this section to set up the DNS zone and TXT record. If you are not using Route53 as your DNS, then follow the documentation provided by your DNS provider to set up a DNS Zone and add a TXT record.

If you are using Route53, note the following:

Whether you are using another DNS provider or Route53, when you set up the TXT record, note the following:

  • Record name should be your token name.

  • Record type should be TXT.

  • ResourceRecord Value should be the token value.


  • Name:

  • Type: TXT

  • ResourceRecords Value: a34597c3-5317-4238-9ce7-50da5b6e6dc8


  • 86950620 is the verification token name.

  • is the Reverse Lookup Zone name.

  • TXT is the record type.

  • a34597c3-5317-4238-9ce7-50da5b6e6dc8 is the verification token value.


Depending on the size of the prefix to be brought to IPAM with BYOIP, one or more authentication records must be created in the DNS. These authentication records are of the record type TXT and must be placed into the reverse zone of the prefix itself or its parent prefix.

  • For IPv4, authentication records need to align to ranges at an octet boundary that make up the prefix.

    • Examples

    • For, which is already aligned at an octet boundary, you would need to create a single authentication record at:

      • IN TXT “token-value

    • For, which itself is not aligned to octet boundary, you would need to create four authentication records. These records must cover the subnets,,, and which are aligned at an octet boundary. The corresponding DNS entries must be:

      • IN TXT “token-value

      • IN TXT “token-value

      • IN TXT “token-value

      • IN TXT “token-value

    • For, which is already aligned at an octet boundary, you need to create a single authentication record:

      • IN TXT “token-value

  • For IPv6, authentication records need to align to ranges at nibble boundary that make up the prefix. Valid nibble values are e.g. 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, and 60.

    • Examples

      • For 2001:0db8::/40, which is already aligned at nibble boundary, you need to create a single authentication record:

        • TXT “token-value

      • For 2001:0db8:80::/42, which is itself not aligned at nibble boundary, you need to create four authentication records. These records must cover the subnets 2001:db8:80::/44, 2001:db8:90::/44, 2001:db8:a0::/44, and 2001:db8:b0::/44 which are aligned at a nibble boundary. The corresponding DNS entries must be:

        • TXT “token-value

        • TXT “token-value

        • IN TXT “token-value

        • IN TXT “token-value

      • For the non-advertised range 2001:db8:0:1000::/54, which is itself not aligned at a nibble boundary, you need to create four authentication records. These records must cover the subnets 2001:db8:0:1000::/56, 2001:db8:0:1100::/56, 2001:db8:0:1200::/56, and 2001:db8:0:1300::/56 which are aligned at a nibble boundary. The corresponding DNS entries must be:

        • IN TXT “token-value

        • IN TXT “token-value

        • IN TXT “token-value

        • IN TXT “token-value

    • To validate the correct number of hexadecimal numbers between the token-name and the "" string, multiply the number by four. The result should match the prefix length. For example, for a /56 prefix you should have 14 hexadecimal digits.

When you've completed these steps, continue with Bring your own IP to IPAM using both the AWS Management Console and the AWS CLI or Bring your own IP CIDR to IPAM using only the AWS CLI.