Register sources with a multicast group using Amazon VPC Transit Gateways
This procedure is only required when you have set the Static sources support attribute to enable.
Use the following procedure to register sources with a multicast group. The source is the network interface that sends multicast traffic.
You need the following information before you add a source:
The ID of the multicast domain
The IDs of the sources' network interfaces
The multicast group IP address
To register sources using the console
Open the Amazon VPC console at
. -
On the navigation pane, choose Transit Gateway Multicast.
Select the multicast domain, and then choose Actions, Add group sources.
For Group IP address, enter either the IPv4 CIDR block or IPv6 CIDR block to assign to the multicast domain.
Under Choose network interfaces, select the multicast senders' network interfaces.
Choose Add sources.
To register sources using the AWS CLI
Use the register-transit-gateway-multicast-group-sources