Add the AWS Client VPN client certificate and key information for mutual authentication
If your Client VPN endpoint uses mutual authentication, you must add the client certificate and the client private key to the .ovpn configuration file that you download.
You cannot modify the client certificate when you use mutual authentication.
To add the client certificate and key information (mutual authentication)
You can use one of the following options.
(Option 1) Distribute the client certificate and key to clients along with the Client VPN
endpoint configuration file. In this case, specify the path to the certificate and key
in the configuration file. Open the configuration file using your preferred text editor,
and add the following to the end of the file. Replace /path/
with the location of the client certificate and key (the location is relative to the
client that's connecting to the endpoint).
cert /
/client1.domain.tld.crt key /path
(Option 2) Add the contents of the client certificate between
tags and the contents of the private
key between <key>
tags to the configuration file.
If you choose this option, you distribute only the configuration file to your
If you generated separate client certificates and keys for each user that will connect to the Client VPN endpoint, repeat this step for each user.
The following is an example of the format of a Client VPN configuration file that includes the client certificate and key.
client dev tun proto udp remote 443 remote-random-hostname resolv-retry infinite nobind remote-cert-tls server cipher AES-256-GCM verb 3 <ca>
Contents of CA
</ca> <cert>Contents of client certificate (.crt) file
</cert> <key>Contents of private key (.key) file
</key> reneg-sec 0