Retrieving the available versions for a managed rule group - AWS WAF, AWS Firewall Manager, and AWS Shield Advanced

Retrieving the available versions for a managed rule group

The available versions of a managed rule group are versions that haven't yet been scheduled to expire. The list indicates which version is the current default version for the rule group.

To retrieve a list of the available versions of a managed rule group
  • Console

    • (Option) When you add the managed rule group to your web ACL, choose Edit to see the rule group's information. Expand the Version dropdown to see the list of available versions.

    • (Option) After you've added the managed rule group into your web ACL, choose Edit on the web ACL, and then select and edit the rule group rule. Expand the Version dropdown to see the list of available versions.

  • API

    • ListAvailableManagedRuleGroupVersions

  • CLI

    • aws wafv2 list-available-managed-rule-group-versions --scope=<CLOUDFRONT|REGIONAL> --vendor-name <vendor> --name <managedrule_name>