COST06-BP02 Select resource type, size, and number based on data - AWS Well-Architected Framework (2023-04-10)

COST06-BP02 Select resource type, size, and number based on data

Select resource size or type based on data about the workload and resource characteristics. For example, compute, memory, throughput, or write intensive. This selection is typically made using a previous (on-premises) version of the workload, using documentation, or using other sources of information about the workload.

Level of risk exposed if this best practice is not established: Medium

Implementation guidance

Select resource size or type based on workload and resource characteristics, for example, compute, memory, throughput, or write intensive. This selection is typically made using cost modelling, a previous version of the workload (such as an on-premises version), using documentation, or using other sources of information about the workload (whitepapers, published solutions).

Implementation steps

  • Select resources based on data: Using your cost modeling data, select the expected workload usage level, then select the specified resource type and size.


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