PERF06-BP02 Define a process to improve workload performance - AWS Well-Architected Framework (2023-04-10)

PERF06-BP02 Define a process to improve workload performance

Define a process to evaluate new services, design patterns, resource types, and configurations as they become available. For example, run existing performance tests on new instance offerings to determine their potential to improve your workload.

Your workload's performance has a few key constraints. Document these so that you know what kinds of innovation might improve the performance of your workload. Use this information when learning about new services or technology as it becomes available to identify ways to alleviate constraints or bottlenecks.

Common anti-patterns:

  • You assume your current architecture will become static and never update over time.

  • You introduce architecture changes over time with no metric justification.

Benefits of establishing this best practice: By defining your process for making architectural changes, you allow gathered data to influence your workload design over time.

Level of risk exposed if this best practice is not established: Medium

Implementation guidance

Identify the key performance constraints for your workload: Document your workload’s performance constraints so that you know what kinds of innovation might improve the performance of your workload.


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