SEC01-BP04 Keep up-to-date with security threats - AWS Well-Architected Framework (2023-04-10)

SEC01-BP04 Keep up-to-date with security threats

To help you define and implement appropriate controls, recognize attack vectors by staying up to date with the latest security threats. Consume AWS Managed Services to make it easier to receive notification of unexpected or unusual behavior in your AWS accounts. Investigate using AWS Partner tools or third-party threat information feeds as part of your security information flow. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) List list contains publicly disclosed cyber security vulnerabilities that you can use to stay up to date.

Level of risk exposed if this best practice is not established: High

Implementation guidance

  • Subscribe to threat intelligence sources: Regularly review threat intelligence information from multiple sources that are relevant to the technologies used in your workload.

  • Consider AWS Shield Advanced service: It provides near real-time visibility into intelligence sources, if your workload is internet accessible.


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