Characteristics - Data Analytics Lens


Following are the key characteristics that determine how you should plan when developing a batch processing architecture.

Ease of use development framework: This is one of the most important characteristics that allows personas of ETL developers and data engineers, data analysts, and data scientists to improve their overall efficiencies. An ETL developer benefits from a hybrid development interface that helps them to use the best of both—developing part of their job and switching to writing customized complex code where applicable. Data analysts and data scientists spend much of their time preparing data for actual analysis, or capturing feature engineering data for their machine learning models. You can improve their efficiencies in data preparation by adopting a no-code data preparation interface. This helps them normalize and clean data up to 80% faster compared to traditional approaches to data preparation.

Support disparate source and target systems: Your batch processing system should support different types of data sources and targets between relational, semi-structured, non-relational, and SaaS providers. When operating in the cloud, a connector ecosystem can benefit you by seamlessly connecting to various sources and targets, and can simplify your job development.

Support various data file formats: Some of the commonly seen data formats are CSV, Excel, JSON, Apache Parquet, Apache ORC, XML, and Logstash Grok. Your job development can be accelerated and simplified if the batch processing services can natively profile these various file formats, and infer schema automatically (including complex nested structures) so that you can focus more on building transformations.

Seamlessly scale out to process peak data volumes: Most batch processing jobs experience varying data volumes. Your batch processing job should scale out to handle peak data spikes and scale back in when the job completes.

Simplified job orchestration with job bookmarking capability: The ability to develop job orchestration with dependency management, and the ability to author the workflow using API, CLI, and a graphical user interface allows for a robust CI/CD integration.

Ability to monitor and alert on job failure: This is an important measure for ease of operational management. Having quick and easy access to job logs, and a graphical monitoring interface to access job metrics can help you identify errors and tuning opportunities quickly for your job. Coupling that with an event-driven approach to alert on job failure will be invaluable for easing operational management.

Provide a low-cost solution: Costs can quickly get out of control if you do not plan correctly. A pay-as-you-go pricing model for both compute and authoring jobs can help you overcome hefty costs upfront and allows you to pay only for what you use instead of overpaying to accommodate for peak workloads. Use automatic scaling to accommodate spiky workloads when necessary. Using Spot Instances where applicable can bring your costs down for workloads where they are a good fit.